There are a lot of programs out there that work but not many of them tell you what to do in the final weeks leading up to a contest. I have tried many methods of peaking during those last two weeks before a meet, and I have found keeping busy works best for me. This two-week plan led me to 600-pound raw benches in two weight classes. Keep in mind, these weights should be light. I cannot tell you what light is, as it is a relative term. A safe bet would be to choose weights you could at least double for the suggested sets and reps.

I also don’t like to get on the bench at all for these two weeks. Just getting into my arch is really tough on my body. Don’t worry, if you have put in a great training cycle, you are not going to forget your form or lose any strength while coasting into a meet. I have found most lifters do more harm than good to themselves in the last two weeks. It is often said that you can’t get any stronger in the last two weeks, but you can certainly get weaker.


This routine is for a Sunday meet. Just move everything back one day for a Saturday meet. Good luck and good lifting. I hit my 780 bench with this..

3 Weeks Out

This will be your last heavy bench.

2 Weeks Out


Dumbbell floor press 3x20

Dumbbell triceps extension 3x10

Barbell pushups 3x10


Sled drag 10 trips 30 yards each


20 minutes low impact, steady-state cardio


20 minutes low impact, steady-state cardio


Barbell floor press (work up to 2x5 with 50% of floor press max) Blast Strap Superset – pushups/curls/triceps extensions 3x10


Bodyweight squats 10x10 McGill situps 5x10


20 minutes low impact, steady-state cardio

1 Week Out


Barbell floor press (bar only) 4x25 Barbell bent over rows (bar only) 4x25 Band pushdowns 3x20 Dumbbell curls 3x20


Sled drag 10 trips, 30 yards each


20 minutes low impact steady state cardio


Barbell floor press (bar only) 4x25 Barbell bent over rows (bar only) 4x25 Barbell triceps extension (bar only) 4x15 Barbell reverse curl (bar only) 4x10 Bodyweight squat 4x10


Rest (I am usually cutting weight this day through diet and water manipulation, not through exercise)


Rest and visualization (I am usually rehydrating and refeeding on this day)


Meet Day! SFW!