If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This

Earlier this week, I received an e-mail from the Princess of Publishing from elitefts™ and was told it was time for me to write a new Under The Bar Column.

The same day I received this email I had just posted this in my log.

This Past Week…

If I was to tell you about my last week, you wouldn't believe it. I had to deal with dirty balls, the fire and police departments, shot guns, scum bags, busted mail boxes, severed animal parts and late night stake outs.

Training on Friday, Saturday and Sunday was awesome.

I will get back into posting more soon, but my life has become my own entertainment.

Needless to say, coming up with an idea for a column was the last thing on my mind, so I asked on my Facebook wall what I should write about. I decided to write another installment of the They are NOT Angry Birds! series because April marks the beginning of National Autism Awareness Month. This Column will post in this elitefts™Sunday edition.

I was also asked several times to write something motivational. Just this morning I was sent this video (thanks Dmitry) and decided to post this because it's awesome. While it's about Motorcycle racing, it applies to EVERYTHING WE DO!
