How do you wrap your knees?
Are you getting the best support and rebound from your wrapping style?
Do you need to “get used” to your wraps before a meet?
When should you begin wrapping up?
Is it better for someone else to wrap your knees for you?
Should you pull the wrap in or out?
Does your stance affect how you wrap?
Should you wrap differently if you have large quads?
How should you train with wraps?
Are your wraps messing up your squat form?
Could you get a better carry over from your wraps?
The Questions
These are just some of the questions I have been asked (and asked myself) over the years. When it comes to knee wraps, there are only two things that matter—support and carryover. The trick is to find what style and process works best for you. As I outlined this article, many formats came to mind, but nothing seemed to work for the variety of subtopics associated with wraps. So I came up with the idea to send a small survey out to some of our team lifters. I will share some of their surveys as well as the many observations I have made over the years.
My Observations
I will use the same survey questions I sent to the team lifters here. The only difference is I will respond based on what I have seen, heard, and done over the years. The team lifters’ focus will only be on what they currently do.
Do you squat close, medium, or wide?
I have squatted all ways over the years and have seen some things that may be different for each style when it comes to wrapping your knees.
The first comes with “tagging” the wraps. This is what I call it when you make the last tuck of the wrap under the front of the knee so that a couple inches stick out in front of the knee. This is done to create an illusion of greater depth. While this does work and should be done with wide and medium stance lifters, I’m not so sure it is a good idea for close stance lifters. The reason for this is that the wrap will create an illusion of a longer lever, creating a longer distance from the end of the wrap to the hip joint. Since your joints are almost in a straight line, this gives a very easy market to judge from. If it was still pulled out to the front but up, it would distort this and make the top of the knee look lower than the wrap at the bottom.
This is not easy to explain. Judging a close stance squat is easier because the line is easier to see. It runs right down the leg, and the knee is in line with the hip joint. With a wide stance, this is not the case because the knee is out to the side of the hip joint.
Another difference is that the close stance squatter will be able to get more rebound out of the wraps because there is more hamstring of calve rebound. This is because the knees will have to come forward some for this movement to happen. This creates more surface area for the wrap behind the knee to act as a rebounder.
The wide stance squatter does have this option because all of the squat movement is going backwards, and the knee does not shift forward at all. One trick I learned from Ano Turtiainen is to keep as much wrap behind the knee as you can. I had the “unfortunate” experience of wrapping him several times when he lifted in the USA. I say unfortunate because I have never seen anyone who wanted to be wrapped as tight as he did, ever! Combine this with three people screaming in Finish for you to wrap tighter, numb hands, and four squat attempts, and you are left with bicep tendonitis for three weeks.
He did have one thing he asked me to do that made me think. He wanted me to make sure that every time the wrap went behind his knee, it had to land exactly behind his knee. So every wrap, regardless whether the front position had to be pulled up or down, had to land right behind the knee.
The more I thought about this, the more practical this seemed. Ano is a very wide squatter, and the only way for him to get any rebound from the wraps was to pull it as thick as we could in the back.
I also feel and have seen the wider squatter may not need their wraps as tight. The reason for this is pretty simple. The wider you go, the less you will get from wraps. As stated above, this is because a wide squat is a sit back movement with most of the work done by the glutes, hamstring, and back. Wraps are more for stability of the knee joint with a wider stance squatter.
Also the wider you go, the less of a foot plate you generally have. By this, I mean that most wide squatters do turn their toes out some while the feet of a close stance lifter are straight. The straighter the feet, the more floor contact you have in relationship to the stability the floor will be able to provide. If your wraps are jacked tight, you may not be able to get the bar set up (or your stance if you walk out) because your stability is now hindered even more with the tighter wraps. This can be combated by getting used to the wraps early in the training or not going crazy tight in the first place.
Do you wrap your own knees? Why or why not?
As you will see below, this depends on the person but more so on the gear you are using. It would be very hard to wrap yourself in double ply gear. I always liked it better when someone wrapped my knees for me so I could focus on what I had to do. If you do have someone wrap you knees for you, make sure they know what they are doing and know how you like to be wrapped.
I wrote before about wrapping Ano. The first time I ever wrapped him, I had to meet him in his room the day beforehand so he could show me what I needed to do. I told him I have wrapped hundreds of knees and not to worry about it. He then told me that I have not wrapped his knees before so to him I have wrapped zero knees. I spent close to 45 minutes in his room wrapping his knees until we got it right. Since he did not speak English, we had to find a way for him to tell me what adjustments needed to be made while wrapping. These things may seem elementary and simple, but missing a lift from a bad wrap is not acceptable because it could have been avoided with just a little more preparation.
Notes for wrappers
If you are part of the sport, you will more than likely be asked to wrap someone at some time or another. We all hate it, but it has to be done so you may as well do it right. Here are some tips to help you do a better job:
- If you have more than one person per flight make sure there is at least one lifter between them. If they are back to back, find another person to take one of your lifters. A timing or wrapping mistake is not worth the risk.
- Bring something to kneel on. You think I am joking but jamming your knee into concrete sucks. A T-shirt or anything will do.
- Have extra wraps in case one lets go when you are wrapping. Better yet, have a couple extra wraps.
- Pre-wrap the wrap as tight as you can.
- Take Advil before, during, and after the meet. I am not a doctor though, and it would be a good idea to ask your doctor beforehand because it will help a lot.
- Know how your lifter wants to be wrapped and do what they ask.
- Stretch your hands and fingers as much as you can between wraps. If your grip fails on the third attempt, you will have one pissed off lifter.
Do you pull your wraps both in, both out, or both the same direction?
There has been some debate on this, and the one solution for everyone is to do what works best for them and stick with it. Practice in training and DO NOT change on meet day.
I do have a few thoughts that may help you decide. I am somewhat biased and do feel everyone should warp with both knees out. However, I do see the case for pulling both in.
Many lifters feel if they pull them both in then they have something to push against as they squat. Those who wrap out feel the wraps help force the knees out.
I feel if you have a tendency to let your knees slip in some as you squat, wrap with both knees out. If you always push out and your knees never move, wrap them both in to give you something that could help you create more force. If you have very strong hips and your squat form is locked in, you might be able to get more from wrapping both in. BUT, and this is huge, very few fall into this category.
Most do not feel one in and one out is good for anyone so forget about it and work with the other two.
How do you knee you leg while wrapping: bent, slight bend, straight, straight and flexed, or elevated?
When I first wrote this question, I really did not give it much thought. However, there are many options with different advantages and disadvantages.
Before I get into this, it is important that you keep you toe pulled up as high as you can when wrapping. The reason for this is that it keeps your calf muscle flat and helps avoid cramps. If the toe is down and the calf flexed when you wrap, the wrap will loosen up and may even slip when standing (when you stand your foot is flat and the calf is not as big). So if you’re the wrapper, keep the toe up when you wrap.
To get the tightest wrap, you will have the leg elevated so that it’s in line with the hip (usually between the wrappers lags) and flexed. Flexing the leg does three things. First, it pulls the quad up and out of the way of the wrap. Second, it keeps the knee locked into the start and finish position of the squat. Third, it keeps the patella in place.
While this is the king of the wrap position, it is also very hard for the wrapper to do so the wrap job may end up less than optimal. Let’s say this is an experience position.
The next best is the heel off the floor with the leg flexed. I would also advise if you are the wrapper to lock the lifter’s foot between your legs and on top of your calf. This gets you closer to the wrap, keeps the leg flexed’ and allows for better leverages when wrapping.
As far as the knee bend goes, I would only use a slight bend in one case. There may be times when you can’t get control of the bar out of the mono lift (if you are in a federation that uses one). Many times this is caused by not being used to the wraps. When you go to unrack, the weight the wraps are set to slam you knees locked. Thus, you stand up, your knees lock, and you tip over backwards. You can use a looser wrap or wrap with a slight bend in the knee so the wraps are not as preloaded at the start.
Do you train with wraps and at what point (week out) do you introduce them in the cycle?
Do you progress from light wraps in the earlier weeks to tight wraps later on?
I have used both styles over the years. I like not using them in training and saving the wraps for the meet best. But that changed a few years ago when wraps and suits got better. Now I feel you need to get used to them to get the best carryover. I have seen some lifters use wrap progressions such as:
Metal Double Line: weeks 10–7
Metal Triple Line: weeks 6–4
Metal All Blacks: week 3 to meet
I don’t know if I am sold on the progression for a couple reasons. First, this would get very expensive pretty fast, and second, the wraps are so different. The All Blacks are 25 percent rubber and react differently than the other two wraps. The All Blacks are for those looking for a big pop out of the bottom and are meant to be wrapped as tight as you can make them.
Since the feedback we have received places the All Blacks as the best of the best, I will use this wrap to illustrate what I feel is a better progression.
You should always have two pair of the same wraps (in case you need a back up). Three pairs would be optimal, but two will get you by. With two pair, you will have a training pair and a meet pair. If you are breaking in new wraps for training then wrap them loose for a few sessions and then go tighter as the meet comes around. For the meet, bust out the unused pair and use the training ones as your back-ups. (This is when the third pair would be a good idea.) I always used three pair of wraps:
- My training wraps
- My meet wraps
- My back-up meet wraps.
I never liked using the same wraps for more than one meet (not really sure why). In this case, my meet wraps would become my next training wraps, my back-up wraps were my new meet wraps, and the back-up wraps would be replaced. You should be able to use the same meet wraps for a few meets or more depending on how well you take care of them. Note: Don’t keep them rolled tight in your gym bag all year.
What style of wrap do you use in training and/or at the meet? For example, crisscross, over knee, straight wraps, crisscross behind the knee?
I have found that crisscross works better for smaller knees and legs and allows for more support and rebound while a straight wrap works better for bigger lifters. I will leave this open and let the survey below show what lifters like best.
Regardless of the wrap style, never have a gap in the wraps where you can see skin showing.
How low and how high on the leg do you wrap?
This will always depend on the lifter, but it is more important that the wrap be higher than lower. For a safety’s sake, let’s say 4–5 inches above the knee and one wrap under the knee.
Make sure to start at the bottom and work up. Create a nice anchor by using the shin (chalk will also help). The first wrap is the most important. Make sure the lifter of someone else holds the wrap tight to the shin as you pull the first wrap. Make this as tight as you can and lock in down tight.
When you wrap, do not make the same mistake I see ALL THE TIME. Do not just pull tight on one angle or two. Pull tight in a quad or all the way around. Most will run the wrap under the knee and then pull tight on the up phase and maybe pull tight when they cross back down. This is only tight two out of four directions. The best wrap is to keep the tension on the wrap at all times. Pull it tight and keep as much tension as you can all the way around the knee. This requires very strong hands but is the best wrap you will get.
Second to this is to wrap in a box. Pull as tight as you can on all four angles.
Do you use chalk or stick-um to help anchor the wrap?
The first thing to do is dry the leg and knee off as best you can. Sweat may make the wrap slip and will make for a less than optimal wrap. Chalk is a great tool and will help anchor the wrap. Chalk is a better option than stick-um because the glue is very hard to get off and may work against you in the dead lift.
Here is what some of the lifters had to say….
Donnie Thompson
EFS: What is your best squat?
DT: 1107 lbs officially
EFS: Do you squat close, medium, or wide?
DT: Wide.
EFS: Do you wrap your own knees? Why or why not?
DT: No because I weigh 372 lbs and can’t reach comfortably.
EFS: Do you wrap before or after you put your straps up?
DT: Before the straps are up.
EFS: Do you pull your wraps both in, both out, or both the same direction?
DT: I have them pulled both out.
EFS: How do you knee you leg while wrapping: bent, slight bend, straight, straight and flexed, or elevated?
DT: Straight and flexed, and I like to stand up while they are wrapping.
EFS: When do you begin wrapping at the meet?
DT: When they announce I am in the hole.
EFS: Do you wrap in the warm up room, and if so, when?
DT: Yes, the last two sets.
EFS: Do you train with wraps and at what point (week out) do you introduce them in the cycle? Do you progress from light wraps in the earlier weeks to tight wraps later on?
DT: I only wrap at the gym a few times because I hate them. I introduce them only to do a heavy single in gear.
EFS: Do you wrap yourself in the gym if you use them?
DT: No.
EFS: What style of wrap do you use in training and/or at the meet? For example, crisscross, over knee, straight wraps, crisscross behind the knee?
DT: I like the crisscross over the knee and high on the thigh.
EFS: How low and how high on the leg do you wrap?
DT: I like right at the knee cap and up my mid thigh.
EFS: How tight do you wrap at the meet, and is if different depending on the weight?
DT: I wrap moderately tight because I am a pussy and can’t take tight wrap jobs.
EFS: Do you use chalk or stick-um to help anchor the wrap?
DT: I use stick-um.
EFS: If there are any other hints, tips or tricks I am forgetting, please include them.
DT: If you depend on these too much, you will find a lot of disappointing attempts. They are there for protection, and that is why I use them.
EFS: What wraps do you use and why?
DT: The metal black ones because they are stiff as hell, and you don’t need to pull them too tight.
Julia Ladewski
EFS: What is your best squat and at what weight class (or classes)?
JL: 463 at 132 lbs
EFS: Do you squat close, medium, or wide?
JL: Wide.
EFS: Do you wrap your own knees? Why or why not?
JL: No, too stressful with everything else going on. I like to be able to think about my squat while I’m being wrapped. I wouldn’t be able to get the wraps tight enough either.
EFS: Do you wrap before or after you put your straps up?
JL: Before.
EFS: Do you pull your wraps both in, both out, or both the same direction?
JL: I like my wraps pulled both out.
EFS: How do you knee you leg while wrapping: bent, slight bend, straight, straight and flexed, or elevated?
JL: Straight and flexed.
EFS: When do you begin wrapping at the meet?
JL: As the person before me is walking to the platform. That’s when I begin to wrap. So I have time to wrap and set my straps and belt.
EFS: Do you wrap in the warm up room, and if so, when?
JL: Not usually. If I do, only on my last warm up (around 375 lbs).
EFS: Do you train with wraps and at what point (week out) do you introduce them in the cycle? Do you progress from light wraps in the earlier weeks to tight wraps later on?
JL: Only when I practice in my suit do I wrap my knees in the gym. That’s usually about 4–8 weeks out from a meet.
EFS: Do you wrap yourself in the gym if you use them?
JL: No.
EFS: What style of wrap do you use in training and/or at the meet? For example, crisscross, over knee, straight wraps, crisscross behind the knee?
JL: Crisscross over the knee.
EFS: How low and how high on the leg do you wrap?
JL: Start the wrap just below the knee cap and finish a wraps-width above the knee.
EFS: How tight do you wrap at the meet, and is if different depending on the weight?
JL: Yes, it is different. The first two attempts are medium tightness. The third attempt is usually cranked pretty hard.
EFS: Do you use chalk or stick-um to help anchor the wrap?
JL: No.
EFS: If there are any other hints, tips, or tricks I am forgetting, please include them.
JL: Always have an extra pair handy when wrapping so if you mess up, you have another wrap rolled and ready to use.
EFS: What wraps do you use and why?
JL: I currently use Metal wraps. They are thick and sturdy, but they aren’t stiff.
Brian Schwab
EFS: What is your best squat and at what weight class (or classes)?
BS: 722 at 148 lbs and 771 at 165 lbs
EFS: Do you squat close, medium, or wide?
BS: Medium wide, if there is such a thing.
EFS: Do you wrap your own knees? Why or why not?
BS: In training, I wrap my own. In meets, I have someone else wrap them to conserve energy.
EFS: Do you wrap before or after you put your straps up?
BS: Before.
EFS: Do you pull your wraps both in, both out, or both the same direction?
BS: In meets, I try to wrap both out since Louie has said that it helps to push the knees out. I actually don’t think this makes much difference as long as the wraps are tight.
EFS: How do you knee you leg while wrapping: bent, slight bend, straight, straight and flexed, or elevated?
BS: Straight and flexed.
EFS: When do you begin wrapping at the meet?
BS: When I’m in the hole.
EFS: Do you wrap in the warm up room, and if so, when?
BS: Only on my last warm up with straps up.
EFS: Do you train with wraps and at what point (week out) do you introduce them in the cycle? Do you progress from light wraps in the earlier weeks to tight wraps later on?
BS: I wear my knee wraps on my two working sets every week. I have an older pair that I use for training and another that I use about three weeks out when I start determining my attempts.
EFS: Do you wrap yourself in the gym if you use them?
BS: Yes.
EFS: What style of wrap do you use in training and/or at the meet. For example, crisscross, over knee, straight wraps, crisscross behind the knee?
BS: Straight wrap. I try to get over my knee cap as many times as possible to get the most support.
EFS: How low and how high on the leg do you wrap?
BS: Only to about two inches above and below my knee.
EFS: How tight do you wrap at the meet, and is if different depending on the weight?
BS: I usually have them wrapped as tight as possible for every meet attempt.
EFS: Do you use chalk or stick-um to help anchor the wrap?
BS: Chalk even in training.
EFS: If there are any other hints, tips, or tricks I am forgetting, please include them.
BS: Many times I see lifters with their knees exposed in the bottom of their squats in meets. I feel this is a huge wrapping error and could almost eliminate the benefit of the wraps. This is why I prefer the straight wrap. I try to overlap halfway up the width of the wrap every time I go around.
EFS: What wraps do you use and why?
BS: Metal black. I have used just about every knee wrap on the market, and these have the best combination of comfort and support.
Chris “Ox” Mason
EFS: What is your best squat and at what weight class (or classes)?
CM: 948 at 220 lbs
EFS: Do you squat close, medium, or wide?
CM: Medium.
EFS: Do you wrap your own knees? Why or why not?
CM: I have Tim Higgins wrap my knees. He can get better leverage on them, and besides, my big “ab” gets in the way and I can’t breathe.
EFS: Do you wrap before or after you put your straps up? (I know dumb questions but novices will be reading this.)
CM: Before while I’m still sitting down focusing on the matter at hand.
EFS: Do you pull your wraps both in, both out, or both the same direction?
CM: They start from the bottom up, inside to outside. This is the way the knee cap tracks.
EFS: How do you knee you leg while wrapping: bent, slight bend, straight, straight and flexed, or elevated?
CM: Straight with the quad flexed. If I don’t flex the quad, my lateralis (the outside quad muscle) will get in the way of the knee wrap. Then when I do flex the quad (like squatting 900 lbs), the wrap goes loose on the outside of my quad.
EFS: Do you wrap in the warm up room, and if so, when?
CM: Last warm up.
EFS: Do you train with wraps and at what point (week out) do you introduce them in the cycle? Do you progress from light wraps in the earlier weeks to tight wraps later on?
CM: I wear them any time to I squat over 85 percent, even in the chains. I only use the loose wraps in training. I put Black Metals on only on my last workout when I take my opener.
EFS: Do you wrap yourself in the gym if you use them?
CM: Yes.
EFS: What style of wrap do you use in training and/or at the meet? For example, crisscross, over knee, straight wraps, crisscross behind the knee?
CM: As stated before, I go inside out from the bottom to the top. Once I get to the top, I do one cross over the knee to get back down to the bottom. I go back up one more time and finish off up top.
EFS: How low and how high on the leg do you wrap?
CM: One wrap below the knee and two above.
EFS: How tight do you wrap at the meet, and is if different depending on the weight?
CM: The first attempt is loose, the second is tight, and the third is stupid! I talk junk to Tim during the third: “Is that all you got? Geez! I thought you were strong? Hell, just get me some fat chick from the crowd. I bet she can wrap tighter than that!”
EFS: Do you use chalk or stick-um to help anchor the wrap?
CM: I use stick-um on the knees and the wraps, but a word of caution—shave them puppies. And bring some goo off to get it off the legs or the deadlift bar will stick.
EFS: If there are any other hints, tips, or tricks I am forgetting, please include them.
CM: Don’t leave them wrapped in your gym bag unless you want to buy a new pair every three months (sorry Dave!).
EFS: What wraps do you use and why?
CM: Metals cause they hurt sooo good! Tremendous rebound.
Marc Bartley
EFS: What is your best squat and at what weight class (or classes)?
MB: 1107 at 275 lbs
EFS: Do you squat close, medium, or wide?
MB: Medium wide if that is a category.
EFS: Do you wrap your own knees? Why or why not?
MB: Hell no. I am too fat number one, and number two that would suck out all my gas for the lift. At least that is what I believe in my head.
EFS: Do you wrap before or after you put your straps up?
MB: I always do the knee wraps before I put the straps up.
EFS: Do you pull your wraps both in, both out, or both the same direction?
MB: I don’t know. I am too busy thinking about the lift and seeing it in my head, but I think they are both wrapped in the same direction.
EFS: How do you knee you leg while wrapping: bent, slight bend, straight, straight and flexed, or elevated?
MB: I usually have a slight bend but flex a little when my wrapper comes over the top, not much though. They are usually on a chair when wrapped, but sometimes they are not. That shows you how much attention I am really paying when they wrap.
EFS: When do you begin wrapping at the meet?
MB: I have my guys start wrapping when the bar is loaded for the guy in front of me. That way, if he takes a long time to get to the bar or drops it, I still have time. Plus I hate to be late when they call my name to the bar.
EFS: Do you wrap in the warm up room, and if so, when?
MB: I used to wrap only on my last warm up, but I am an old bastard now. So I wrap from six plates or seven plates out (last 3–4 warm ups). I learned this from Andy Bolton who is a pretty good squatter and wraps from 135 lbs on. I just can’t see wrapping for 135 lbs, and I am lazy so I wait a few more sets.
EFS: Do you train with wraps and at what point (week out) do you introduce them in the cycle? Do you progress from light wraps in the earlier weeks to tight wraps later on?
MB: I will wrap anytime in the cycle I feel it is necessary whether it be a heavy set or high band tension, raw, whatever. I usually only wrap really light to make my head feel better. The only times I crank them are on full gear days with the heaviest reps. I never want to fully depend on them, and I also believe that if you wrap all the time, you weaken the joint area. If I believe it to be so, it is.
EFS: Do you wrap yourself in the gym if you use them?
MB: Still, hell no. I am too fat to reach my kneecaps.
EFS: What style of wrap do you use in training and/or at the meet? For example, crisscross, over knee, straight wraps, crisscross behind the knee?
MB: I’m a straight knee wrappin’ man, no rainbow wrappin’ here. Straight up and down.
EFS: How low and how high on the leg do you wrap?
MB: My guys start below the knee cap on the upper calf and go up onto the lower quad and back down.
EFS: How tight do you wrap at the meet and is if different depending on the weight?
MB: I don’t really change the tightness of the wrap from full gear in the gym to the meet. It is so tight my feet go numb, and I have to remember to relax my calves as they wrap or I get cramps in the calves and feet. Early on, it use to hurt so much I forgot how to squat or thought I would run out of time before my feet would fall off.
EFS: Do you use chalk or stick-um to help anchor the wrap?
MB: If somebody remembers, they will get chalked up. Otherwise it is raw all the way!
EFS: What wraps do you use and why?
MB: I use the Metal Pros because it is like a tourniquet around your knees. You may need it later if you lose a limb and have to stop the blood flow.
Travis Mash
EFS: What is your best squat and at what weight class (or classes)?
TM: 970 at 220 lbs
EFS: Do you squat close, medium, or wide?
TM: Medium to close.
EFS: Do you wrap your own knees? Why or why not?
TM: I do because I can gauge the tightness, and to tell you the truth, I saw Ed Coan do it so I did it.
EFS: Do you wrap before or after you put your straps up?
TM: Before.
EFS: Do you pull your wraps both in, both out, or both the same direction?
TM: I start on my inner thigh and pull the wraps out.
EFS: How do you knee you leg while wrapping: bent, slight bend, straight, straight and flexed, or elevated?
TM: Straight and flexed.
EFS: When do you begin wrapping at the meet?
TM: Depends on if it is WPO or regular competition because of the time between lifters. But at regular meets with one minute after the bar is loaded, I start when I am in the hole and the lifter has approached the bar. This means when there are two people in front of me.
EFS: Do you wrap in the warm up room, and if so, when?
TM: Not usually, but if I do, I wrap on my last warm up.
EFS: Do you train with wraps and at what point (week out) do you introduce them in the cycle? Six weeks out? Do you progress from light wraps in the earlier weeks to tight wraps later on?
TM: Yes.
EFS: Do you wrap yourself in the gym if you use them?
TM: Always.
EFS: What style of wrap do you use in training and/or at the meet? For example, crisscross, over knee, straight wraps, crisscross behind the knee?
TM: Crisscross over the knee.
EFS: How low and how high on the leg do you wrap?
TM: As high as legally possible, but only right below the knee.
EFS: How tight do you wrap at the meet, and is it different depending on the weight?
TM: I get tighter with each attempt.
EFS: Do you use chalk or stick-um to help anchor the wrap?
TM: Sometimes but I should all the time.
EFS: If there are any other hints, tips, or tricks I am forgetting, please include them.
TM: Ox and I have a friend who did a study, and biomechanically the wrap should start below the knee and be wrapped inside to out. I don’t know how valid this is, but it changed my style of wrap.
EFS: What wraps do you use and why?
TM: Metal because they are the best. I have tried all different ones, and I have even been sponsored at one time or another by every other company. So I am a real live lab rat, and the tests say Metal. Also, the black lines are great for people who don’t like the real tight wrap that cuts your leg, but they still give great rebound.
Double Black Line (2m, 2.5m)
The Metal Double Black Line is very similar to the goldline knee wraps from Marathon. These wraps are very stiff and offer great support. These wraps are best for people who don’t like their wraps too tight. This wrap is great if done with a medium tightness around the knee.
Triple Black Line (2m, 2.5m)
The Metal Triple Line Knee Wrap offers great support but a little more rebound than the Metal Black Lines. These will stretch a little more and allow you to get more around your knee. This wrap is great for people who like to wrap their knees very tight but don’t like to be uncomfortable. This is probably the most comfortable wrap on the market with the most performance.
All Blacks (2m, 2.5m)
This is our best selling wrap and for the right reason—this one performs. The Metal All Black Knee Wrap is without a doubt the strongest wrap on the market. Not only does it offer massive rebound, but it can stretch for miles. This wrap is not comfortable! This is only for those people who want results and are willing to take a little bit of pain for a personal record.