Hey guys,

I have been in training with briefs for about two months. The problem is depth, just like every other person. What can I do to get deep enough (with the exception of putting a half ton on my back) my hips are out, my ass is back and...nothing. I have a video:

Once you stop laughing, let me know please.


Big Dan

Big Dan,

Nothing to laugh at there bro, that is a beast effort for a tall lifter. I'm not sure if you're trying to hit a powerlifting squat or an Olympic back squat, but some things you could try are:

  • Wall squats: face the wall and stand about six inches away. Squat down. How far do you get? Can you get all the way down into a full squat? If so, put your hands behind your head. Still get all the way down? If so, move right against the wall and repeat. Keep working until you can achieve a full squat without falling backwards.


  • Full goblet squats: help you hit depth while maintaining an upright position and a braced torso.

  • Spiderman crawls

  • Squat to stand

  • More hip mobility: this video has some very good movements.

Keep hitting a solid warm-up and make sure you have a good sweat before hitting the barbell. Once you hit the barbell, start all of your reps with a full range of motion. If your hips still feel tight or you're not warmed-up, repeat the sequence above. A good pre-squat routine might be:

1a) Spiderman Crawls, 1x10 each side
1b) Squat to Stand, 1x10
1c) Wall Squats, 1x10
1d) Goblet Squat with DB, 1x12
1e) Any hip mobility movement from the video above

Repeat if needed.