Lat Pulldown w/ Low Row - Selectorized


The best back builder that money can buy.

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On Sale $3,816.00 Regular Price $4,240.00

Lat Pulldown w/ Low Row - Selectorized

When you think about outfitting your facility with a lat pulldown, you don't imagine a busted, simple, old piece of junk cluttering up your gym. No, you imagine this. Diamond plate. Soft padding. Attractive lines. Smooth feel.

Aesthetics aside, this is a heavy-duty multi-function machine. It offers high and low pulleys for maximum lat destruction.

But don't sell this unit short, in addition to pummelling every muscle fiber in your back, you can hit rear delts, triceps, delts, biceps, and abs on this beauty.

The Selectorized stack weights up to 250 pounds. The entire frame is 2x3 11 gauge steel. It's eye candy and it's tough.

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