This past weekend elitefts held it's second Powerlifting Experience here in London, Ohio. Team members and attendees drove and flew in from around the world for one purpose: to learn the intricacies of powerlifting. And indeed, lots of learning took place: 164 PRs were tallied amongst 50 attendees within roughly seven hours. Along with PRs (through repeated, deliberate physical and technical cues), the entire powerlifting experience united team members and attendees to serve as a memorable exchange of ideas, knowledge, feedback, drive, and passion.
All proceeds from the Powerlifting Experience benefit Make-A-Wish®, Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana.
Team Conquer
The one and only Clint Darden!! I've watched Clints videos for years, and today he gave a speech that rocked everyone to the core of their souls. One of the most moving dialogues I've ever heard, people were moved to tears, in the best way possible.
PLEX was tremendous, the attendees set over 160 PRs.
Training/coaching is singular in its fulfillment, one of those weekends that just reinforces how much I love to teach.
Elitefts has been a family second to none, a collectively exceptional experience. And to close on Clint's lesson of patience and all consuming passion,
With the time you have, However much time it is, LIVE all of it. Patience to passion, maximize all of it.
(I am reminded continuously, life is beautiful) -- Alexander Cortes
Team Strong(er)
Another one in the books! The 2nd annual Powerlifting Experience was such a rewarding and fulfilling weekend. Not only was it in support of a great cause, it was an all-around incredible opportunity to help others grow and realize their potential.
Some of the most important things to have as a beginner athlete are proper guidance, counseling, and support. Just like how children develop 90% of their perception of the world when they are in their youngest years, new athletes can be made or broken depending on their environment when they are first introduced to their sport. I felt honored to be able to coach and watch the athletes we coached succeed and SURPASS their goals. Everyone did amazingly, and the satisfaction on their faces as they left by the end of the day was truly priceless. They left having learned something, and took away so much more than I think many of them expected to upon arrival.
I mean...150+ PRs for the day speaks for itself. Just saying.
THAT is the best aspect of coaching and being involved within a sport. This is what it's all about. This is the reward of our passion. Not fame, not your total. It's what you are able to give back. -- Christine Beauchamp
Team Driven
It was outstanding to stop by and see everyone yesterday on my way home from nationals. I know 2nd place in the country in the 242s sounds fancy, but the reality is that I had a half awesome and half shitty day, much like being a lucky Pierre in a threesome with Harry and Bob. Sadly, there were about half of you there that I didn't get to either see or meet because I try not to interrupt people when they are in beast mode training balls deep and I had to get back on the road before everyone finished up since I still had about a 9 hour drive after I left the Compound. So whether I got to hang out with you or not, it was gnarly to see everyone and be in the presence of such greatness and it did a lot in the way of helping me feel better after spreading my caca all around the bed at nats. I hope to see y'all again soon because every single one of you is one million percent radical! -- Andy Deck
Team Train
I hope everyone made it home safe and sound after another incredible weekend at the S4! It was a privilege for us to see familiar faces and meet some new team members! You are all incredible people and Sheri and I both sincerely appreciate being a part of such an awesome Team! Can't wait to see you all again soon! Thanks for an amazing weekend! -- Ken Whetham
The elitefts Powerlifting Experience II Kicks Off
The elitefts Powerlifting Experience II: Squats and Morning Progress
The elitefts Powerlifting Experience II: Bench Press
The elitefts Powerlifting Experience II: Deadlift Session
More footage from The elitefts Powerlifting Experience coming soon!