The USAPL is known for it's strict judging and equally strict drug-testing standards; if you want to be judged to standards bordering on unconscionable, the USAPL is where to go. The likelihood of ever hearing debate over whether or not a lift was unjustifiably passed in the USAPL is nearly non-existed.
Describing itself as, "America's choice for drug-free strength sport," the USAPL hosts multiple levels of competition each year, including qualify-necessary meets. This weekend, it held the USAPL Open Men's Nationals in San Antonio, Texas, one of the biggest of the summer.
At the event this year, Blaine Sumner broke the all-time American record for the single-ply squat with an incredible 485 kilograms (or 1069 pounds).
Sumner also recorded an official IPF World Record single-ply bench press at 375 kilograms. His final numbers for the day were 485-kilogram squat, 375-kilogram bench, 345-kilogram deadlift, and a 1205-kilogram total.
He is expected to take on Caryl Yngvar Christensen (the current total world record holder) later this year.
Header image and video via YouTube, Alexander Kang