Safe Sport Act Update: Keep Your Gym Up to Code
Safe Sport Act Update: Keep Your Gym Up to Code
Gym owners: Here's a quick reminder that the Safe Sport Act will extend to your businesses starting December 1st, 2020. Not sure about the requirements? Listen to this Two-Brain Business podcast episode for a refresher course.
Pushed by Pain: The College Blur
Pushed by Pain: The College Blur
Remember how I said the first part of my story wasn’t the worst part? Well, this is it. But here’s the thing: after those shitty events happened to me, I became pulled by purpose instead of pain.
Pushed by Pain
Pushed by Pain
I’ve realized I’ve never told my story, save for a couple of people. Those who’ve heard it were surprised because, against all odds, I didn’t end up completely fucked up because of everything that happened. Instead, I became strong and independent. So here it is. My story.
The Repercussions of Psychological Abuse in Sports
The Repercussions of Psychological Abuse in Sports
Helping boys become young men does not require verbal brutality.

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