Aging and Keeping Pace
Aging and Keeping Pace
Why is another article in the realm of injury prevention and performance improvement while aging relevant? For two reasons: the audience is growing, and every author has a different writing style. If you remember at least one of my points, remember, “Get the drugs!”
Breaking Up with the Barbell
Breaking Up with the Barbell
Even though lifting weights is a passion, sometimes life challenges you to take a new direction. When Nicholas Bronkall’s body couldn’t take any more of the same, he got acquainted with movement in brand new ways.
6 Training Rules for the Washed-Up Meathead
6 Training Rules for the Washed-Up Meathead
These rules are NOT for those competing. They are not for those who want to increase their “longevity” in the sport. They are not for the beginner, intermediate, or advanced lifters. There are different rules for all of these groups, and these are NOT them.
More Conjugate For A Little Old Man
More Conjugate For A Little Old Man
I recently turned 78, and that certainly hasn’t stopped me from training. After the responses from last month’s article, I decided to delve a bit deeper into my little old man conjugate training program. Enjoy!
Your Body's Shelf Life
Your Body's Shelf Life
Just like bad milk, our time is limited. It runs out for everyone.
7 Ways to Optimize Health
7 Ways to Optimize Health
If you’re seeking advice on how to successfully navigate a mid-life crisis, I’m probably not the guy. I am, however, uniquely attuned to my body from years of competing at a high level of bodybuilding.
Improve Your Fitness, Improve Your Brain
Improve Your Fitness, Improve Your Brain
Exercise may be able to reverse mild cognitive impairment in older adults.
Want to Live Longer? Drink Coffee.
Want to Live Longer? Drink Coffee.
A new study suggests you can decrease your risk of premature death by increasing your coffee consumption.
Lessons from Zane
Lessons from Zane
There's always someone that has had the same dilemma as you and made it out successfully.
Resisting the Decline
Resisting the Decline
For those middle aged, andropause diminishes both sexual Tyrannosaurus status and quality of life.
I'm Too Young to Be This Damn Old: Best
I'm Too Young to Be This Damn Old: Best
We all strive to be the very best we can be to achieve our genetic potential.
Ramblings of an Old Gym Rat
Ramblings of an Old Gym Rat
All of us have a story about the first time we fell in love with the iron. However, some of us have more of an unconventional love affair.

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