The BFR Hype
The BFR Hype
Aside from a super pump, what’s going on in your muscles when you do Blood Flow Restriction training? A lot. Here’s what we know.
How to Use Blood Flow Restriction with a Knee Injury
How to Use Blood Flow Restriction with a Knee Injury
Indoor soccer took a toll on my knee, so my training has been a bit limited. But that didn’t stop me from using Blood Flow Restriction on leg day, which I highly recommend using when working around injuries that force you to use lighter weights.
Introduce Blood Flow Restriction to Your Leg Workout of the Day
Introduce Blood Flow Restriction to Your Leg Workout of the Day
This leg workout of the day was brief, but let me tell you something: it kicked my ass. You don’t have to be new to Blood Flow Restriction Training for it to do that, let me tell you!
Grow BIG Quads Without Lower Back Pain
Grow BIG Quads Without Lower Back Pain
Due to a few low back tweaks, while squatting 700 pounds in my early 30s, I’ve had to completely revamp the way I train legs. This article lays out the foundation in which I continue to stimulate quad development in the absence of big pounds.
Six Weeks to Bigger Biceps
Six Weeks to Bigger Biceps
In this article, I can’t promise you Lee Priest-proportioned bicep development, but I will share some ideas to unlocking new growth over a six-week period of time.
Strength Chat Podcast: Pulling the Veil Off Blood Flow Restriction with Guest Dr. Mario Novo
Strength Chat Podcast: Pulling the Veil Off Blood Flow Restriction with ...
If you’ve wanted to understand more about this topic or just get a technical yet easy-to-understand introduction to BFR, this is the episode you need to listen to.
Rustproofing the Iron Warrior
Rustproofing the Iron Warrior
Aging is inevitable. What are some ways to manage its unforgiving cycle?

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