Can A Hickey Help Your Recovery?
Can A Hickey Help Your Recovery?
This isn’t a hickey from your teenage years; the kind of hickey I’m talking about is created from a recovery modality known as “cupping.” Does cupping work, or is it just a fad that could leave you bruised and broken? OK, it DOES leave bruises, but broken? Not so much.
Infrared Saunas: Fad or Fantastic?
Infrared Saunas: Fad or Fantastic?
Are IR saunas really THAT beneficial? Do they truly have weight loss, detox, and anti-aging abilities?
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — Adjustments to Upper Body Training for Phase 3
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — Adjustments to Upper Body Training for Phase 3
With two phases of training complete, the upper body training days must now be adjusted to continue Dave’s progress. This is the new plan.
A Weekend of JL Holdsworth — My Introduction to Reflexive Performance Reset
A Weekend of JL Holdsworth — My Introduction to Reflexive Performance Reset
I had the opportunity to take one of the RPR courses this week when JL asked to hold a clinic at my university. Whether you love or hate the idea of Reflexive Performance Reset, it works!
Customize the Perfect Intra-Workout Shake
Customize the Perfect Intra-Workout Shake
The intra-workout shake exists as a valuable a tool that you can use to your benefit when you have all your other ducks in a row. Design it to specifically fit your needs and you’ll see even greater benefits.
Three Effective, Underused Exercises
Three Effective, Underused Exercises
As a passionate bodybuilder, it brings many a tear to my eye that the following chest, back, and hamstring exercises have been all but forgotten or underused by many lifters.
Signs You're Overreaching (And What to Do About It)
Signs You're Overreaching (And What to Do About It)
But even the strongest of minds cannot pick up the slack when your body inevitably cracks, splinters and breaks.
Rustproofing the Iron Warrior
Rustproofing the Iron Warrior
Aging is inevitable. What are some ways to manage its unforgiving cycle?

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