WATCH: Giant Sets with Brian Alsruhe
WATCH: Giant Sets with Brian Alsruhe
Brian Alsruhe’s training style is going to be different than what you’d usually see at the elitefts S5 Compound, but that certainly didn’t stop him or Team elitefts athletes from exchanging ideas and having a good time.
Leg Workout of the Day with Cambered Bar and Ground Base Squats
Leg Workout of the Day with Cambered Bar and Ground Base Squats
If you’ve got lower back issues and want to up difficulty without adding pounds like I do, then this is the Workout of the Day for you. Today, the goal was to increase time under tension.
Leg Workout of the Day with 8x8x8 Banded Leg Extensions
Leg Workout of the Day with 8x8x8 Banded Leg Extensions
No, you’re not seeing deja vu. This workout features: 1. Lying Leg Curls 2. Leg Extensions 3. Cambered Bar Squats 4. Banded Leg Extensions 5. Dumbbell Stiff-Legged Deads. Per the usual, click to see the sets, reps, equipment used for this leg workout, and find out what’s super-setted.
WATCH: Equipment Feature with Nate Harvey — Rackable Cambered Squat Bar
WATCH: Equipment Feature with Nate Harvey — Rackable Cambered Squat Bar
This bar is a favorite among lifters and athletes of all kinds not only for its use in a competition-style squat but also for the large variety of special exercises you can perform with it.
Cambered Bar Box Squats
Cambered Bar Box Squats
The cambered squat bar is an excellent variation to a straight bar for several reasons.

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