How to Keep Clients Longer
How to Keep Clients Longer
I’ve owned a gym for 13 years, and I’ve coached for 22. Throughout the years, I learned it’s easier to keep a client than to get a new one.
A Useful Coach: The Horse, The Water, and What People Miss
A Useful Coach: The Horse, The Water, and What People Miss
Knowing what to tell the horse is a lot less important than making the horse understand why the information is important.
Mindset: The Difference Between Success and Failure
Mindset: The Difference Between Success and Failure
People who succeed in this world have an iron will and a never-say-die mentality. Do you?
The Max Effort Method vs. Dynamic Effort Method in Group Training
The Max Effort Method vs. Dynamic Effort Method in Group Training
Trying to build superior performance without diversity in your training is like trying to build a house with nothing but a hammer and a box of nails: the final product isn’t going to impress anyone.
The Biggest Key to Success in the Client-Coach Relationship
The Biggest Key to Success in the Client-Coach Relationship
More than the training techniques or coaching methods, there is one thing that will make or break your success working with a coach.

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