Christopher Cooper

Chris Cooper is the author of Two-Brain Business, Two-Brain 2.0 and Help First. A former powerlifter, Cooper opened Catalyst Fitness in 2005 after a decade in the fitness industry. The gym almost bankrupted him. When he realized that being a good coach didn’t make him a good business owner, he found a mentor and began his REAL education. He now owns two gyms (and three other companies, as well as a few buildings) in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Since 2010, Cooper has published over 1000 free blog posts. His new site is, and his podcast is TwoBrainRadio.

The Conjugate Business Plan
The Conjugate Business Plan
Start with the big movement and work on it with maximum focus. Incorporate assistance work to bring up your weakest links. Do a lot of reps at the most important scenarios in your business.
How To Reopen Your Gym
How To Reopen Your Gym
Follow this clear plan to reopen your business—whether you’re able to do that in a week or six months.
Add Online Training in 24 Hours: The Step-by-Step Plan
Add Online Training in 24 Hours: The Step-by-Step Plan
In its simplest form, online coaching can be provided via email and text. It is not done in group form but is personalized and unique based on the client—just as if he or she were in your gym.
Five Filters for Fitness Business Advice
Five Filters for Fitness Business Advice
Like the glass and boards around the rink that shield the players from hearing the noise from their parents, you as a business owner need to filter the advice you receive from outsiders (those that don’t even run a business of their own). Here are 5 filters to consider.
Hybrid Memberships are the New Normal
Hybrid Memberships are the New Normal
Mature owners understand that what they’re really selling is results. Therefore, selling an exercising-only plan is 50 percent of the equation (an incomplete offering). Here’s how to add the nutrition component you’re missing.
December's GPP for Your Business
December's GPP for Your Business
How can you bulk up your gym’s profits during the holiday season? These 5 steps will help your gym get those financial gains.
November's GPP for Your Business
November's GPP for Your Business
You write programs for your athletes, but have you programmed anything for your business? Think about GPP for your clients and then create a GPP program for your gym.
How to Build Careers for Other Coaches
How to Build Careers for Other Coaches
I thought the problem was just economics: that coaches could only make an hourly wage, but owners make profits. But that wasn’t the real problem. The real problem was that I could have made more, but I didn’t know how. And my boss didn’t know how, either.
Make Your Time More Valuable
Make Your Time More Valuable
Your key asset, the one thing that you can leverage to build a successful company and the real measuring stick isn’t money; it’s time. You open a business to earn a higher return on your time, not to buy yourself a job.
8 Levels of Delegation for Successful Management
8 Levels of Delegation for Successful Management
Your employees are like your clients in the gym. They want to build their skills and strengths and hopefully, are able to do it on their own. If you’re unable to manage your management, you are doing your employees and yourself a major disservice.
Start Here: Your 3 Core Offerings
Start Here: Your 3 Core Offerings
From a revenue standpoint, you should consider packages to be your gold standard. Combining nutrition coaching with exercise coaching (either personal or group training) will get a client to their goals faster but should bring you more value for your time.
Outlast the Fitness Industry Copycat, Critic, and Cutter
Outlast the Fitness Industry Copycat, Critic, and Cutter
The only way to REALLY keep your clients away from the snake oil is to teach them about it, but you’ve got to do a couple of things before you have their trust and attention…
Scale Up Your Personal Training Business With 2:1 Sessions
Scale Up Your Personal Training Business With 2:1 Sessions
One of the simplest ways for a personal trainer to make more money is to train two clients at once. It’s also the fastest way to scale your income without adding additional time to your schedule. Welcome to the world of 2:1 training.
These 10 Words Are All You Need to Get Your Clients Back
These 10 Words Are All You Need to Get Your Clients Back
Rather than try to get new clients, why not try to win back your former clients? They just need a teeny, tiny bit of a nudge to come back through the door. Lucky for you, I have 10 words that’ll get these guys and gals back in your gym — and three easy-peasy alternatives, too.
Your Checklist for a Perfect Personal Training Session
Your Checklist for a Perfect Personal Training Session
Through my 22 years of coaching, I’ve found that all great personal trainers have things in common. While there’s no one single script we follow, it helps me to have a checklist. So I’m sharing a checklist I give to my staff when they start one-on-one training at my gym.
Make It Sticky
Make It Sticky
What should you say on video, in your blog posts, or in your emails to clients? What if you’re helping them through a change? The most important thing is to say SOMETHING. So consider this list an example of “Good, better, best.”
You Own the Media
You Own the Media
You can publish your own newspaper. You can record your own radio show. You can go live on camera any time you want. You don’t just own the means of production — the distribution is FREE! As a gym owner, why aren’t you using it?
How to Keep Clients Longer
How to Keep Clients Longer
I’ve owned a gym for 13 years, and I’ve coached for 22. Throughout the years, I learned it’s easier to keep a client than to get a new one.
Pay Yourself First
Pay Yourself First
Start by finding your replacement value: what are others in your industry paid to do the work you’re doing?
Grow Your Gym with the Thank Up Strategy
Grow Your Gym with the Thank Up Strategy
Word-of-mouth advertising, client testimonials, and organic growth are the best ways to grow your gym. But if you just wait for it to happen, you’ll starve to death. Take the process from passive to active by taking control of the conversation.
The Farmer Phase — Don't Get Stuck Here
The Farmer Phase — Don't Get Stuck Here
The most common phase of entrepreneurship is the Farmer Phase. This is where most entrepreneurs abide—not by choice but because it’s where they get stuck.
The Founder Phase — How to Get out of It
The Founder Phase — How to Get out of It
This is the phase of #hustle and #grind, when the Founders’ wallets are empty but their energy is boundless. It’s as exciting as a roller coaster! But roller coasters aren’t exciting for long.
Founder, Farmer, Tinker, Thief: The Four Phases of Fitness Entrepreneurship
Founder, Farmer, Tinker, Thief: The Four Phases of Fitness Entrepreneurs...
As a business owner, the path from Founder to Thief is the path to self-actualization.
For a good staff member, a salary can just get in the way of a great career. Coaches need an unending opportunity with some limitations, and this is where you come in.
What's Worse Than No?
What's Worse Than No?
Sometimes the best thing we can do for a client—or staff person, or child—is to make a decision for them.
 5 Ways I Work My ROT Score Every Day
5 Ways I Work My ROT Score Every Day
Retirement has changed. Where our parents went from 100% work to 0% work, the new economy allows us to go from 80% to 20%. Or from 53% to 47%. Or anything we can create.
The Goal Review Session
The Goal Review Session
Sometimes a client gets bored. Sometimes they get busy. And sometimes they just want something new.
How (and When) To Fire A Client
How (and When) To Fire A Client
For over a year, I thought it was my job to accommodate her. She was my client; I was being paid to “treat” her condition. Right?
How To Set Your Rates
How To Set Your Rates
Setting rates shouldn’t be a mystical process, but a mathematical one.
How To Price Personal Training
How To Price Personal Training
Unsure where to set prices for 1:1 or small group training? Here’s an in-depth look at the industry’s current rates and how to best incentivize your trainers while bringing more clients—and money—to your gym.
An Introduction to Affinity Marketing — F Your Funnel
An Introduction to Affinity Marketing — F Your Funnel
If you want your gym to be successful and your clientele base to grow, you need to take that traditional sales funnel and flip it upside down.

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