WATCH: elitefts Fitness Professional Summit — Authenticity Is Your Key to Success
WATCH: elitefts Fitness Professional Summit — Authenticity Is Your Key t...
DeFranco gives advice on authenticity and how staying true to yourself while running your business will bring both you and your clients more success. It worked for Enzo Amore and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Why You Should Hire an Online Coach
Why You Should Hire an Online Coach
Not all online trainers are bad. Many members of team elitefts have been in this line of work for decades, training people long before social media even existed. Here’s what to look for.
Create a Culture that Breeds Results
Create a Culture that Breeds Results
I don’t care if you have the best athletes and the best equipment in the world — a shitty gym atmosphere can DESTROY their results.
7 Things That Can Make You A Successful Online Trainer
7 Things That Can Make You A Successful Online Trainer
I’m putting the satire on hold for one article. Here’s some straight-up information to help you become a better online trainer.

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