16 Week Conjugate Periodization Program For Novice Powerlifters
16 Week Conjugate Periodization Program For Novice Powerlifters
Limit the variables that’ll derail your early powerlifting experience as an inexperienced lifter. Here’s conjugate in a nutshell.
A Training Cycle Alternative for Group Athletes
A Training Cycle Alternative for Group Athletes
Linear periodization has its place, and I’ve used it with varying levels of success, but overall there are simply too many drawbacks when used for group programming. Here’s what I use instead.
Are You a Program Hopper?
Are You a Program Hopper?
She only gave the program SIX MONTHS before scrapping it.
 Give Them What They Need
Give Them What They Need
Too often, we get caught up in all the bells and whistles of lifting and forget the building blocks.

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