Alwyn Cosgrove's Rest-Pause Program
Alwyn Cosgrove's Rest-Pause Program
This program was based on a study that burned 450% more calories post-workout than a traditional workout. Are you ready to feel the burn?
EFS Classic: Flexibility/Mobility: An elitefts™ Roundtable Discussion
EFS Classic: Flexibility/Mobility: An elitefts™ Roundtable Discussion
With Jim Wendler, Mark McLaughlin, Bob Youngs, Alwyn Cosgrove, Tom Deebel, Jason Ferruggia, Julia Ladewski, Dave Tate, and Mike Hope.
Five Fitness Business Mistakes that are Killing Fitness Pros!
Five Fitness Business Mistakes that are Killing Fitness Pros!
Most trainers don’t understand they are running a BUSINESS.
So You Wanna be a Fighter? Part 3
So You Wanna be a Fighter? Part 3
This is the final installment of the series—where my transition from powerlifter to entering a mixed martial arts (MMA) tournament takes place.
 How to Close a Sale Secrets Q/A
How to Close a Sale Secrets Q/A
Don’t be afraid to give out your prices up front. This is the 21st Century.
Metabolic Power Training for MMA
Metabolic Power Training for MMA
SLAM!!! The empty Mountain Dew can hit the table.
 Training Comes Full Circle
Training Comes Full Circle
Before I learned the art, a punch was just a punch and a kick just a kick.
Training Economy
Training Economy
When it comes to strength and sports—and how to increase strength for those sports—most of the information out there is about sports such as football, powerlifting, basketball, and hockey. But what about the lesser known sports such as cheerleading, figure skating, and dance?
Metabolic Acceleration Training
Metabolic Acceleration Training
I’m a huge believer in using the “alternating set” system when training.
Top Ten and a Half Training Tips for Martial Arts
Top Ten and a Half Training Tips for Martial Arts
Applying the principles of scientific training, I have come up with ten (and a half) training guidelines for the combat athlete who must be present to ensure competitive success.
Inside the Ring: Inside the Mind of a Fighter
Inside the Ring: Inside the Mind of a Fighter
I guess I can begin by saying how wrong I was and how I took our Q&A staff for granted. I know EliteFTS has the best training team on the planet. Yes, this is a very cocky statement, but do me one favor here.
Breaking Glass
Breaking Glass
I was recently honored when Charles Glass mentioned me in his Q&A in Muscular Development magazine. For those of you who don’t know who Charles Glass is, first off, shame on you. But, here’s a short bio.
Bringing the Pendulum Back to Center (Part 2)
Bringing the Pendulum Back to Center (Part 2)
It is often said by futurists that there is an over-reaction to most new concepts in the short term, yet an under-reaction in the long term. We can all come up with countless examples of it – the high carb trend of a few years ago – which has become the zero carb trend recently.
This article was inspired by Alwyn Cosgrove and something that he mentioned to me in passing.
Top Ten Training Tips for Athletic Conditioning Success
Top Ten Training Tips for Athletic Conditioning Success
The IRON-ic rule of strength training for sport: The objective is not to get stronger per se but to improve athletic performance to build better athletes. I It’s important for the coach and the trainee to focus on improving sports performance.

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