Alwyn Cosgrove

Alwyn Cosgrove is an international Tae kwon-do champion who has utilized his personal experiences as an athlete and combined them with advanced theories of European Sports Science and the principles of modern strength and conditioning systems. He has worked with a wide variety of clients, including several Olympic- and national-level athletes, five World Champions, and professionals in a multitude of sports, including boxing, martial arts, soccer, ice skating, football, fencing, triathlon, rugby, bodybuilding, and dance and fitness competitions.

Learning the Language of a Prospect
Learning the Language of a Prospect
We tend to go into things with fitness coach or trainer eyes. We need to start seeing through the clients’ eyes and thinking like they do. We need to relate to them. Once you do that, you can take them on a journey.
Disruptive Innovation and Blue Ocean Strategies
Disruptive Innovation and Blue Ocean Strategies
Don’t compete for fish in chum-filled waters. Instead, go where no one else has ever gone before. Be the next Takeru Kobayashi. Be the next CrossFit. Be the next elitefts. Become whatever it is you want and change the game.
Focus on Success
Focus on Success
Two people see the same situation; one person sees the opportunity, and one person sees the obstacle. In order to overcome the obstacle, it takes a different perspective — a positive one.
You Can Learn Anything
You Can Learn Anything
I don’t know why my tae-kwon-do instructor did this after I told him I couldn’t afford lessons, but he said, “You’ll be back, and you’ll teach the kids’ class.” He gave me an opportunity to become a coach, which changed the direction of my life.
Strength Training: Your Secret Weapon for Sport
Strength Training: Your Secret Weapon for Sport
Strength is a cheat code when it comes to winning. Here’s my basic outline of how you can best implement that cheat code and improve your gym sessions for sport performance.
The Business by Alwyn Cosgrove and Jason Ferruggia
The Business by Alwyn Cosgrove and Jason Ferruggia
Over the past year, we have both received tons of emails and phone calls that go something like this: “I have listened to you for a while now and have purchased several products from you. I’ve watched you and your reputation grow.”
Alwyn's Business Advice
Alwyn's Business Advice
Look within and find your gaps. Then close them.
Five Fitness Business Mistakes that are Killing Fitness Pros!
Five Fitness Business Mistakes that are Killing Fitness Pros!
Most trainers don’t understand they are running a BUSINESS.
 How to Close a Sale Secrets Q/A
How to Close a Sale Secrets Q/A
Don’t be afraid to give out your prices up front. This is the 21st Century.
Metabolic Power Training for MMA
Metabolic Power Training for MMA
SLAM!!! The empty Mountain Dew can hit the table.
Recession Strategies for Fitness Trainers
Recession Strategies for Fitness Trainers
Two shoe salesmen from competing companies were assigned by their firms to sell shoes in the middle of the jungle in Africa.
 Training Comes Full Circle
Training Comes Full Circle
Before I learned the art, a punch was just a punch and a kick just a kick.
Training Economy
Training Economy
When it comes to strength and sports—and how to increase strength for those sports—most of the information out there is about sports such as football, powerlifting, basketball, and hockey. But what about the lesser known sports such as cheerleading, figure skating, and dance?
Metabolic Acceleration Training
Metabolic Acceleration Training
I’m a huge believer in using the “alternating set” system when training.
Top Ten and a Half Training Tips for Martial Arts
Top Ten and a Half Training Tips for Martial Arts
Applying the principles of scientific training, I have come up with ten (and a half) training guidelines for the combat athlete who must be present to ensure competitive success.
Quantity Versus Quality
Quantity Versus Quality
Again, you pay for the program—the information—not how many pages it is spread out over. But apparently that’s not how some people think.
Project Management: The Future of Personal Training?
Project Management: The Future of Personal Training?
Let’s throw an idea around… We are both personal trainers. Both of us charge $100 per session. We are hired by two identical twin females who want to drop 20 lbs of fat.
Does Drinking Water Aid Fat Loss?
Does Drinking Water Aid Fat Loss?
Recently, I’ve seen the merits of drinking large amounts of water and it’s effects on fat loss mentioned in many places. In one day, I saw it mentioned in Craig Ballantyne’s blog, Lyle McDonald’s forum, and in two newspaper articles.
Opening Your Athletic Training Facility An EliteFTS Roundtable Discussion
Opening Your Athletic Training Facility An EliteFTS Roundtable Discussion
There have been many questions about opening a training facility for athletes. Our group of athletic specialists chimed in and gave us some tips on how to get this done.
Inside the Ring: Inside the Mind of a Fighter
Inside the Ring: Inside the Mind of a Fighter
I guess I can begin by saying how wrong I was and how I took our Q&A staff for granted. I know EliteFTS has the best training team on the planet. Yes, this is a very cocky statement, but do me one favor here.
Breaking Glass
Breaking Glass
I was recently honored when Charles Glass mentioned me in his Q&A in Muscular Development magazine. For those of you who don’t know who Charles Glass is, first off, shame on you. But, here’s a short bio.
Bringing the Pendulum Back to Center (Part 2)
Bringing the Pendulum Back to Center (Part 2)
It is often said by futurists that there is an over-reaction to most new concepts in the short term, yet an under-reaction in the long term. We can all come up with countless examples of it – the high carb trend of a few years ago – which has become the zero carb trend recently.
Top Ten Training Tips for Athletic Conditioning Success
Top Ten Training Tips for Athletic Conditioning Success
The IRON-ic rule of strength training for sport: The objective is not to get stronger per se but to improve athletic performance to build better athletes. I It’s important for the coach and the trainee to focus on improving sports performance.

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