Utilization and Progressions of the Hip Thrust in Baseball
Utilization and Progressions of the Hip Thrust in Baseball
Hip thrusts are my go-to exercise for minor league baseball players to improve strength and acceleration. Here’s a typical progression I use for my players. And no, we don’t load this movement at the start.
FAI and the Rehab Process: Re-Activation and Re-Alignment
FAI and the Rehab Process: Re-Activation and Re-Alignment
Following the Femoro-Acetabular Impingement diagnosis procedure and the loosening of areas of concern, the next step in rehabbing FAI is the re-activation and re-alignment stage. This may involve re-activation of the glute through hip extension, abduction, and external rotation.
Evolution of a Collegiate Warm-Up
Evolution of a Collegiate Warm-Up
Over the last five semesters, we’ve made a lot of adjustments to how we warm-up our athletes. Here are the most important changes.
WATCH: Anterior Pelvic Tilt Fix with Casey Williams and Dani Overcash — Shifting the Pelvis Back to Neutral
WATCH: Anterior Pelvic Tilt Fix with Casey Williams and Dani Overcash — ...
We’ve worked on several components separately but this exercise brings them together: first getting into the left hip, then finding neutral, and then breathing and bracing while in this proper position.
WATCH: Anterior Pelvic Tilt Fix with Casey Williams and Dani Overcash — Glute Retraining
WATCH: Anterior Pelvic Tilt Fix with Casey Williams and Dani Overcash — ...
We pulled him into his left hip in the previous exercise, while this correction is designed to help drive him “off” his right hip.
Glute Gains: Mastering the Pelvic Tilt Technique
Glute Gains: Mastering the Pelvic Tilt Technique
If you aren’t doing this right, say goodbye to building a fully developed backside.
Troubleshooting the GHR: Are You Performing Them Correctly?
Troubleshooting the GHR: Are You Performing Them Correctly?
The glute-hamstring raise is one of the best exercises for lower body development. Don’t ruin it by making any of these three common mistakes.

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