Grow BIG Quads Without Lower Back Pain
Grow BIG Quads Without Lower Back Pain
Due to a few low back tweaks, while squatting 700 pounds in my early 30s, I’ve had to completely revamp the way I train legs. This article lays out the foundation in which I continue to stimulate quad development in the absence of big pounds.
Back to Recovery Basics: The Big Three
Back to Recovery Basics: The Big Three
In part two of this series, the topic is the big three for recovery, which allows athletes to experience better performance, resistance to injury, and longevity in their sport.
Overtraining: A Molecular Perspective
Overtraining: A Molecular Perspective
Overtraining can be due to both hormonal fluctuation and dysfunctional mechano-transducing properties at the cellular level. These will be the two areas focused upon in this article.
WATCH: UGSS John Meadows Presentation — Getting Ripped
WATCH: UGSS John Meadows Presentation — Getting Ripped
Play your cards wisely. Once you use them, you can’t get them back.
How to Naturally Manipulate Insulin to Improve Body Composition and Performance
How to Naturally Manipulate Insulin to Improve Body Composition and Perf...
This is a highly effective tool when trying to gain new muscle and recover from tough workouts…but only if used appropriately.
Powerful (Yet Healthy) Boulder Shoulder Training
Powerful (Yet Healthy) Boulder Shoulder Training
Building rock solid shoulders with excellent functional strength requires the correct strategies and gritty effort. This guide will show you how to get the most out of your shoulder work.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Using the Ultimate Performance Enhancer
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Using the Ultimate Performance Enhancer
Thirteen months into my time as a member of CPAP Nation, I’ve made several ground-breaking discoveries for optimizing the use of your CPAP.
Simple Shoulder Training
Simple Shoulder Training
As a professional bodybuilder who has been in the biggest competition in the world, I’ve seen my fair share of gym sessions.
Introduction: The Effect of Performance Enhancing Drug Use in Sports on American Society
Introduction: The Effect of Performance Enhancing Drug Use in Sports on ...
Whether it be for moral reasons or their dangerous side effects, the use of performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) in sports is considered by many to be a problem.

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