Phase 3: How You Should Start Young Athletes in the Weight Room
Phase 3: How You Should Start Young Athletes in the Weight Room
In this phase, we’ll be introducing the back squat, hinging motion, and more plyometric work.
Laying Out the Groundwork to Prevent Injuries
Laying Out the Groundwork to Prevent Injuries
Why are we not focusing on the mechanics? Why is this not important to more coaches and personal trainers? Why are we not laying the groundwork for these athletes to be successful? Staying healthy is a huge part of being successful and in the world of college athletics, if you are injured, you’re not playing.
WATCH: Jeremy Frey's 2018 elitefts Sport Performance Summit — RDL Tips for Athletes
WATCH: Jeremy Frey's 2018 elitefts Sport Performance Summit — RDL T...
Range of motion should be limited by the hamstrings for this exercise, which means the bottom position may vary between athletes. That’s not a problem if they follow these rules.
Understanding Bracing
Understanding Bracing
As you keep working on the technique, you will fully understand the potential bracing has. You will see how important it is in your lifting and how it helps you lift more weight while keeping your back healthy and safe.
Strong, Shredded, and the Ability to Perform Pain-Free
Strong, Shredded, and the Ability to Perform Pain-Free
Want to be lean, muscular, strong, and conditioned, with the ability to move without pain? There are many variables, but these guidelines apply to everyone.
Friday Technique Video: Mastering the Sumo Deadlift
Friday Technique Video: Mastering the Sumo Deadlift
This man can punch you so hard your teeth will hit your girlfriend like shrapnel. Listen to him.
Learn How to Hinge in Three Easy Steps
Learn How to Hinge in Three Easy Steps
Ahh…the hinge—king of lower body movement patterns.

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