Epidemic Survival Strategies for Fitness Enthusiasts and Professionals
Epidemic Survival Strategies for Fitness Enthusiasts and Professionals
For starters, if you have access to equipment during this time, it is recommended that restraint be employed pertaining to exercise intensity and volume as both have been implicated in temporarily suppressing immune system function.
Josh Bryant Speaks with Championship Line-up at Drexel University
Josh Bryant Speaks with Championship Line-up at Drexel University
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Resisting the Decline
Resisting the Decline
For those middle aged, andropause diminishes both sexual Tyrannosaurus status and quality of life.
Excessive Cardio: Just Say No
Excessive Cardio: Just Say No
Why? Because it can do more harm than good.
Musings of a Strength Coach, Part II
Musings of a Strength Coach, Part II
If you are a strength and conditioning coach, or looking to break into the industry, it’s time you think about these relevant points.
Adding Up to Lower Back Pain
Adding Up to Lower Back Pain
Pain is merely your body’s interpretation that something may be wrong. It doesn’t mean that your days of heavy lifting are over.
Managing the Training Process: Practical Considerations for Coaches
Managing the Training Process: Practical Considerations for Coaches
While strength and conditioning coaches need to keep their athletes in proper shape throughout the year, they must also be conscious and realistic about their players’ needs.
Four Tips from a High School Strength Coach
Four Tips from a High School Strength Coach
Working with high school athletes presents the strength and conditioning professional with a unique set of challenges.
Training for Fitness Versus Training for Performance
Training for Fitness Versus Training for Performance
Time serves as the main tenet behind goal setting and management. Time is also what separates the training of two qualities that are misinterpreted by fitness professionals and clients alike.
Neck and Trap Training for the Strength Athlete
Neck and Trap Training for the Strength Athlete
Training the musculature of the neck and trapezius is often ignored by many lifters.
Applicability of Agility Training
Applicability of Agility Training
Open skill agility drills that more closely mimic the unpredictable nature of competition are lacking in most programs.
Dealing with DOMS
Dealing with DOMS
Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is characterized by sore muscles stemming from a workout 24 to 72 hours prior.
Get a Grip
Get a Grip
Nothing is more empowering than possessing a pair of sinewy forearms bundled with thick veins that descend from your sleeves.
Leadership Style Discovery in Performance Coaching
Leadership Style Discovery in Performance Coaching
Someone doesn’t have to hold a prestigious head coaching position at a Division 1 university or be a C-level executive of a company to be a leader.
Back to Basics: Back Training Considerations
Back to Basics: Back Training Considerations
Joe provides a few pointers on some exercises that are widely discussed and debated.
Ten Fatal Flaws of Fitness Professionals
Ten Fatal Flaws of Fitness Professionals
Ah, the holidays! The most joyous time of the year, in which time is spent with your family and friends nestled by the fire.
Lower Body Plyometric Training for Female Athletes
Lower Body Plyometric Training for Female Athletes
Implementing plyometric exercise into a program continues to stir a great debate among coaches, trainers, and physical therapists.

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