Mental May—Remembering Demons
Mental May—Remembering Demons
As laborsome it is to destroy and bury your demons, it’s also vital to remember them.
Suffer and Succeed in Silence
Suffer and Succeed in Silence
The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, as the ubiquitous aphorism goes. Averting the zigzag requires one to suffer and succeed in silence.
The Best Lift for Collegiate Athletes
The Best Lift for Collegiate Athletes
Although collegiate athletes are not powerlifters, powerlifting is the ultimate inspiration for their training. Hands down, the barbell Romanian deadlift should be a part of their exercise selection.
Band Exercise Index
Band Exercise Index
An in-depth analysis of band movements I heavily depend on for augmenting my physical prowess on the mat, and for any athletes I coach irrespective of sport.
Mental May — Burying Demons
Mental May — Burying Demons
Once you destroy your demons (part 1 of this reading series), it’s time to put that crucible six-feet under, slam a headstone on it, and go forth to enjoy your life.
Why Are We Doing This?
Why Are We Doing This?
Here, in this article, you will find the answer to why accomplished coaches and athletes I’ve been fortunate enough to know gravitate toward the iron and have made it a core element of their life.
Mental May — Destroying Demons
Mental May — Destroying Demons
Put on your helmet, fasten your breastplate tight, and with one arm supporting your shield, allow the other to gather your sword. Go to battle with your demons. Win the war every day. Every breath you have is a victory.
Program Guidelines for Young Strength Coaches
Program Guidelines for Young Strength Coaches
Approach programming as you would approach written materials relevant to our field. One doesn’t simply open Supertraining, and begin perusing its contents. Supertraining requires a foundation of knowledge prior to endeavoring to cognize its contents.
The Yoke: A Reflection of A Person’s Intangibles
The Yoke: A Reflection of A Person’s Intangibles
These training samples, along with hard work, allowed me to get a 20” neck, sizeable traps, and a sizeable upper back—all done with minimal equipment, mostly at home, and with extremely high rep counts.

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