Learn to Train X — What It Really Means to Live, Learn, and Pass On
Learn to Train X — What It Really Means to Live, Learn, and Pass On
In rant fashion, Dave Tate breaks down the components of the famous “Live, Learn, Pass On” philosophy that has shaped his personal journey, as well as the overarching mission of elitefts.
3 Things Great Families and Businesses Have in Common
3 Things Great Families and Businesses Have in Common
Just like families constantly struggle to balance the needs of its members, so too does a business endeavor to find the right balance of serving customers, stakeholders, and employees. There are three key things that, when understood, help achieve these goals.
Strength Union: Building A Unified, Empowered Strength Community
Strength Union: Building A Unified, Empowered Strength Community
A union operates to give a group of individuals one voice, empowering them to lead in the right direction. This fully-equipped facility aims to provide exactly that for each of its members as they become the strongest versions of themselves.
WATCH: Buddy Morris SPS Presentation — The Mission and Purpose of an S&C Program
WATCH: Buddy Morris SPS Presentation — The Mission and Purpose of an S&a...
We all know that your role as a strength and conditioning coach is to produce higher-performing, more injury-resistant athletes. But what does that actually mean for your program? How do you achieve it?
Identifying Why — 4 Steps to Perfecting Your Program Philosophy
Identifying Why — 4 Steps to Perfecting Your Program Philosophy
Here are a few steps I have used over the years that have helped me, my staff, and our athletes be on the same page in understanding our purpose.

5 Item(s)