Manipulating Acute Variables in Training— A Guide to Building Lean Muscle Mass Using Variation
Manipulating Acute Variables in Training— A Guide to Building Lean Muscl...
If you’re training under a Conjugate System, variation is your key to success. Let’s talk about the two acute variables that you should use to your advantage: exercise variation and equipment selection.
Building the Biggest Hood in the Hood — Unchained Chest Mass
Building the Biggest Hood in the Hood — Unchained Chest Mass
Chains change the game — and not just for powerlifters. I’m going to show you an unconventional fly that is fit for the bro to the top pro.
Troubleshooting the GHR: Are You Performing Them Correctly?
Troubleshooting the GHR: Are You Performing Them Correctly?
The glute-hamstring raise is one of the best exercises for lower body development. Don’t ruin it by making any of these three common mistakes.
External Rotation: Small Cue for a Big Squat
External Rotation: Small Cue for a Big Squat
This vital component of a safe and powerful squat has been misconstrued and misunderstood by much of the strength community. Let’s get it right.

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