Muscles and Movements
Muscles and Movements
“Train movements, not muscles.” This philosophy isn’t completely wrong, but it doesn’t tell the whole story. Learn how to build a program that does both.
Are Bands a Bad Idea for Rotator Cuff Strengthening?
Are Bands a Bad Idea for Rotator Cuff Strengthening?
The proper resistance profile for strengthening external rotation should have less resistance in fully lengthened and fully shortened muscles and more resistance in mid-range lengthed muscles. While bands are great tools, they aren’t so great for strengthening rotator cuffs.
Newton's Third Law (of Gains)
Newton's Third Law (of Gains)
You’ve probably heard Newton’s third law: “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Turns out Newton DIDN’T tell you that he specifically wrote this law in anticipation of gym bros only training the muscles they see in the mirror. Let me explain.
Reengineering the Training Session
Reengineering the Training Session
Enter the gym with a firm methodology.
Bridging the Gap: From Functionality to Fascia
Bridging the Gap: From Functionality to Fascia
How does one synthesize the seemingly distant worlds of Olympic lifting, powerlifting, speed enhancement, Strongman training, and applied functional science, functional movement systems, and anatomy trains?

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