Pushed by Pain
Pushed by Pain
I’ve realized I’ve never told my story, save for a couple of people. Those who’ve heard it were surprised because, against all odds, I didn’t end up completely fucked up because of everything that happened. Instead, I became strong and independent. So here it is. My story.
The Obese Body and Exercise — Physical Cross-Talk
The Obese Body and Exercise — Physical Cross-Talk
The main reason I would suggest you engage in exercise is happiness. You might ask, “You mean managing depression?” No. I mean simple and plain happiness, although I’ll discuss depression and mental health, too.
The Obese Body and Exercise
The Obese Body and Exercise
What I try to offer here is information to both coaches and obese people about why and how to exercise — different reasons than the conventional assumption concerning weight loss — considering some of the difficulties inherent in the condition.
How Powerlifting Saved My Life
How Powerlifting Saved My Life
Years of self-destructive life and eating habits led me to 430 pounds and a combined diagnosis of pre-diabetes and hypertension. I had two options: make a change or die.

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