Make Light Weight Heavy with Controlled Eccentrics and Concentrics
Make Light Weight Heavy with Controlled Eccentrics and Concentrics
You don’t have to train in pain. How? Drop the heavy weights and work in some lighter options while focusing on using the best technique you can.
Coaching Essentials for Program Development
Coaching Essentials for Program Development
How do you determine if your program is too easy, too hard, or just right? Here are some things to look for to see if your coach is the real deal or full of shit.
Progressions and Regressions in Strength and Conditioning
Progressions and Regressions in Strength and Conditioning
This model allows you to assess and modify the training of your athletes based on their daily performance and movement proficiency.
WATCH: How Are You Teaching the Squat?
WATCH: How Are You Teaching the Squat?
Mark Watts visits JL Holdsworth and his staff at The Spot Athletics to discuss instruction of the squat and how to create proficiency in an untrained population.
Progression and Regression System for Exercise Selection
Progression and Regression System for Exercise Selection
Implement this exercise variation protocol to keep your athletes training at an optimal loading standard.
Guide to Implementing and Troubleshooting the Hang Clean
Guide to Implementing and Troubleshooting the Hang Clean
Olympic lifts are one of the most polarizing topics in the sports performance world.
 Pull-up Progression (Part 2: SHWt Edition)
Pull-up Progression (Part 2: SHWt Edition)
You’ve probably read the first part of “Pull-ups” according to “H” and say to yourself, “Sure, that’s fine, but I can’t even do a single rep.” That’s ok. In this part, we’ll address your need(s) in being able to perform that repetition.

7 Item(s)