Know Your Audience: Learning More About Your Athletes
Know Your Audience: Learning More About Your Athletes
In the time since I wrote the initial “Know Your Audience” article several years ago, I’ve refined my coaching methods and changed many things, but the enduring message remains the same: get to know your athletes better.
Check Your Ego at the Door and Maximize Your Gains
Check Your Ego at the Door and Maximize Your Gains
I’m going to share four key components to packing on more muscle and getting stronger by actually backing off the weight.
Three Hypertrophy Waves to Use If You're Stuck on Progressive Overload
Three Hypertrophy Waves to Use If You're Stuck on Progressive Overload
If you feel like you’re spinning your wheels, give one of these a try: Intensity-Based Hypertrophy Wave, Working Set Volume-Based Hypertrophy Wave, or Exercise Volume-Based Hypertrophy Wave.
Practical Application for Developing Rotational Power
Practical Application for Developing Rotational Power
All sports are rotational to some degree. Here are some effective ways to develop and assess rotational power within a team setting.
8 Rules for The Hard Gainer
8 Rules for The Hard Gainer
You’re sick of spinning your wheels. Trust me, I get it. I’ve been there. Here’s how to stop being timid and weak.
Training Principles: The Science Behind Improving Athletic Performance
Training Principles: The Science Behind Improving Athletic Performance
There are many different schools of thought, each with their own ideas on how to train athletes in order to increase athletic performance. So how does one know which particular program will work for any given athlete?
Mass Attack
Mass Attack
Many people confuse the message that in order to become the biggest you, you need to become the strongest you.
 Ten Tips for Show and Go
Ten Tips for Show and Go
I’ve trained many high school athletes. They all come to me wanting to perform better, look bigger, be stronger, and run faster. I’ve seen athletes put on 30 lbs of lean muscle, increase their vertical jump by six inches or more, and slash time off of their 40 all while increasing their agility and flexibility.

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