Meet Attempt Considerations For Every Situation
Meet Attempt Considerations For Every Situation
When it comes to selecting meet attempts, there are a lot of things to take into account. The big one is your goal, but the strategy for getting that goal varies depending on lots of factors. You wouldn’t use the same process for selecting your opener and for winning — at least, I hope you don’t.
Gene Rychlak, 1st Man to Bench Over 900 and 1,000 Pounds and RPS Founder, Has Died
Gene Rychlak, 1st Man to Bench Over 900 and 1,000 Pounds and RPS Founder...
Gene Rychlak Jr., president and founder of RPS and the first man to bench over 900 and 1,000 pounds, died this morning due to a heart condition.
Now THAT'S What I Call Impressive!
Now THAT'S What I Call Impressive!
Not everyone is as lucky as me when it comes to seeing some of the most amazing moments in powerlifting. Since that’s the case, I’m sharing memories from the archives starring Chuck Vogelpohl, George Halbert, Steve Goggins, Travis Rogers, and Oleksandr Kutcher.

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