How Much Volume Can You Take?
How Much Volume Can You Take?
Consider two powerlifters who are identical in strength and technique, but one is 20 centimeters taller than the other. This height difference changes everything about the lifter’s levers, and thus volume needs.
Bulking for the Drug-Free Lifter
Bulking for the Drug-Free Lifter
It' s not about the amount of sets and reps you do, it' s about how much effort you put into each set.
A Deeper Look into Set and Rep Schemes
A Deeper Look into Set and Rep Schemes
An overview of traditional (percent-based) approaches to strength training.
 Abdominal Time Waster
Abdominal Time Waster
Every day at the gym, I watch people spend anywhere from 10–30 minutes on their upper abs, lower abs, and sides.
 The Fifties
The Fifties
For several months, I’ve been doing Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 program. In it, Jim talks about doing exercises for assistance that build muscle mass. He advocates doing several reps of dips and pull-ups every week. At one point, I believe he states we should do 50 dips a week weighted or 100 dips a week with just body weight. If memory
Are You Setting Yourself Up for Injury?
Are You Setting Yourself Up for Injury?
Lifting weights is easy, but preventing injuries when lifting weights is not always as simple. Because of this, it is not uncommon to find many injuries in weight training. To help prevent injuries and make your workouts more productive, here are seven key factors that you should take into account when weight training.
Rest Intervals and Reps
Rest Intervals and Reps
Everyone seemed pretty fired up about the modified Westside program. I received an overwhelming response to my recent article, “Westside for Skinny Bastards.”
Great Rules that Suck
Great Rules that Suck
I was born with a rebellious streak. It’s been with me just about every day of my 32-year existence. When I wake up every day, I know that I’ll probably do or say something that will probably be nothing more than an act of rebellion in some form or another against something that I see as wrong or unjust. I

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