Choking on My Face — The Final Installment
Choking on My Face — The Final Installment
After being officially diagnosed with sleep apnea, it was time for the CPAP machine to arrive. Let’s just say I felt like a cross between a giddy kid on Christmas Eve and as reluctant as Darth Vader probably would’ve been in the bedroom. Little by little, I’m feeling better, thanks to the supportive gear for my lungs.
Skip’s Top 3 Fitness Trackers
Skip’s Top 3 Fitness Trackers
After a few months of really digging into different brands and models, checking reliability, accuracy, battery life, practicality, etc., I was able to narrow down my recommendations to three.
My Position on Sex
My Position on Sex
I posted on Facebook last week asking for input on what topics I should write about for my column. The clear champion was the issue of sex within close proximity to competition and how it should be handled. Let’s start at the beginning.
The S Word — Effects on Mental Illness
The S Word — Effects on Mental Illness
I am going to take a little detour to talk about personal issues I dealt with during this time, how these issues affect me, and if any of these issues were affected by what I was taking.
Mixing Macros — How to Use Macronutrient Combinations to Improve Your Physique
Mixing Macros — How to Use Macronutrient Combinations to Improve Your Ph...
Different macronutrient combinations can each have their own physiological effects, advantages, and disadvantages. Take total advantage of it.

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