From the Weight Room to the Boardroom
From the Weight Room to the Boardroom
At times, we can be paralyzed by the complexity of our professional lives and it can be very valuable to find simple, yet proven philosophies that help us find our way.
Is There Really A Difference Between Raw and Geared Lifting?
Is There Really A Difference Between Raw and Geared Lifting?
No matter which of the many training programs out there you choose to use, or whether you train raw or equipped, one thing will always remain the same.
elitefts Classic: Falling Forward in the Squat
elitefts Classic: Falling Forward in the Squat
Novice and advanced lifters make this mistake all the time, in the gym and at meets. To fix this, figure out if the problem is mental, physical, or technical.
Deconstructing the Deadlift
Deconstructing the Deadlift
It took me over 30 years, 80,000 deadlifts, teaching and watching thousands of lifters and learning from the "best of the best" to give you the information presented in this article.
Cheat Your Way to Gains
Cheat Your Way to Gains
Let us look at the benefit and practical application of cheating exercises for advanced lifters.
Sticking Point Tips
Sticking Point Tips
These simple changes made my deadlift jump from a hard 700 to a solid and easy 740 with room to spare.

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