Front Neck Support on Stability Ball
Front Neck Support on Stability Ball

This exercise can be done for anyone that needs extra neck strength, like wrestlers, football players and MMA fighters. All you need is a stability ball.

Feet Elevated Stability Ball Push Ups
Feet Elevated Stability Ball Push Ups

This is a great movement to be performed after a heavy upper body movement.

DB Torso Rotations on a Swiss Ball
DB Torso Rotations on a Swiss Ball

Hips up and posterior chain engaged throughout the movement.

Metabolic Acceleration Training
Metabolic Acceleration Training

I’m a huge believer in using the “alternating set” system when training.

Workout Templates for Various Athletes
Workout Templates for Various Athletes

The body doesn’t know whether you’re doing higher-faster-sports, Westside, HIT, swiss ball, kettlebell, or any other system. It only knows stimulation and recovery.

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