3 Things I Learned From Training My @ss Off with Dave Tate
3 Things I Learned From Training My @ss Off with Dave Tate
The Train Your @ss Off with Dave Tate event was not only a life-changing experience; it was also truly something I will remember forever. It has made me a better coach, a better training partner, and a better overall human because it helped me figure out what is truly important in my life.
Apparently, I Am Not Living the Bodybuilding Lifestyle
Apparently, I Am Not Living the Bodybuilding Lifestyle
Or so says a 22-year-old.
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You have every right to be boring and unappealing to others because you can’t carry on a conversation about anything outside of nutrition or training. But everyone around you is going to realize you suck.
WATCH: Table Talk with Dave Tate — Balancing Your Life
WATCH: Table Talk with Dave Tate — Balancing Your Life
Most people just suck at time management. Have you ever paid attention to how much time you spend every day doing stupid shit that doesn’t matter?

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