The End of the Unilateral Vs. Bilateral Debate
The End of the Unilateral Vs. Bilateral Debate
Do you swing more towards one side than the other? I can tell you that I did. So, we decided to try a progression to work both single-leg and double-leg exercises. Here is what the eight weeks looked like for our athletes.
 The Value of Accessory Work
The Value of Accessory Work
I’m as guilty as anyone when it comes to moving a weight that makes me “feel good” about training, versus doing a movement that requires less weight on the bar because it exposes weakness.
4 Things Your Body Needs to Stay Symmetrical
4 Things Your Body Needs to Stay Symmetrical
As a PT, I made the mistake of letting go of these good habits. By ignoring issues when they arose, I put my body in a compromising state.
Movement Patterns Beyond One Plane
Movement Patterns Beyond One Plane
If you’re looking a little shifty, if you’re feeling aches and pains on your competition movements, if you want a longer shelf life, if you want to feel athletic instead of “locked in” all of the time, finish your sessions with this. I promise you’ll move and feel better.
5 Training Staples for Your Off-Season
5 Training Staples for Your Off-Season
When the time rolls around to start prepping for your next competition, you’ll wish you’d used your off-season wisely. Here are the five things you should focus on to provide the most improvement, longevity, and resilience.
10 Big Lessons 2016 Taught Me
10 Big Lessons 2016 Taught Me
Your numbers will be subject to so many external variables, but your character is forged by intentionality.
4 Big Errors of Beginner Strength Programs
4 Big Errors of Beginner Strength Programs
These four things can make or break your program. Do you know of them?
Correcting Asymmetries: Unilateral Work Versus Integration
Correcting Asymmetries: Unilateral Work Versus Integration
What may today seem like a nagging injury you can muster through, may turn a would-be long-term powerlifting career into a short-lived experience on the platform.

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