Bobby Fisk

The End of the Unilateral Vs. Bilateral Debate
The End of the Unilateral Vs. Bilateral Debate
Do you swing more towards one side than the other? I can tell you that I did. So, we decided to try a progression to work both single-leg and double-leg exercises. Here is what the eight weeks looked like for our athletes.
How to Avoid Pitfalls with Exercise Selection and Progression
How to Avoid Pitfalls with Exercise Selection and Progression
You found a new fancy-looking exercise on the ‘gram, so you do it. Then, you have your athletes do it. But you don’t know the exercise’s common technique flaws or how to fix them — all you know is how the person looked and how you felt doing it.
Reaching Goals
Reaching Goals
The New Year is always a time for fresh starts in your training, diet, and life.

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