Ladies, So You Want to Bench 315?
Ladies, So You Want to Bench 315?
I never missed 315. I went for it when it was time and when my training had prepared me for it. I attempted the weight when it was the next logical step in the progression of my coach’s orders. It wasn’t a YOLO, it was what came next.
Build Your Bench Press with the Chest Supported Row
Build Your Bench Press with the Chest Supported Row
When Dr. John pulls his shoulder blades in while keeping his elbows out, there is a clear depression between his shoulder blades. What I want to see in a powerlifter is more like a hump.
What I Learned from Benching with Dave Tate
What I Learned from Benching with Dave Tate
Based on Dave’s bench cues and progress made, I’m revising my bench goal for Reebok Record Breakers in November, from 200 kilos up to 210 — a huge jump, especially considering it’s by far my worst lift.
The Simple Steps To Add Serious Weight To Your Deadlift
The Simple Steps To Add Serious Weight To Your Deadlift
Finding your ideal stance, nailing down good form, and programming properly for volume, intensity, and frequency will keep your weights moving up and your body healthy.
3 Ways to Build Strength Off the Chest for the Bench Press
3 Ways to Build Strength Off the Chest for the Bench Press
These are a few important components of building a big bench, starting with getting the bar off your chest as quickly and efficiently as possible.
The Indirect Learning Principle
The Indirect Learning Principle
Inspired by Randy Pausch's Last Lecture, Erik creates his own Head Fake to benefit his family.

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