Bottoms-Up Training: Fix Your Shoulders and Pressing Technique Today
Bottoms-Up Training: Fix Your Shoulders and Pressing Technique Today
If you’re unfamiliar with this humbling training method, it works by creating significant instability and forcing the lifter to recruit additional muscle fibers and motor units.
Training Through Injury: How To Overcome Disc and Lumbar Issues
Training Through Injury: How To Overcome Disc and Lumbar Issues
A disc injury is not a death sentence. You now need to develop into a smarter lifter who is not only focused on PR’s but also on long term health.
The Forgotten Benefit of Functional Leg Training
The Forgotten Benefit of Functional Leg Training
Instead of hitting the upper body just twice a week, we get extra stimulation because we’re working the lower body by holding on to the weights, which means extra time under tension and stimulation for the traps, lats, rhomboids, lumbars, and quadratus lumborum.
How to Use the Sled for Virtually Everything
How to Use the Sled for Virtually Everything
How many of you in the “elitefts™ family” have a sled, Prowler®, or homemade version of one of these?

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