Kyle Newell

A Different View of Intensity and Volume
A Different View of Intensity and Volume
More is better? Not always, especially in terms of your training.
Turning Japanese
Turning Japanese
To really master a topic, you need to know it inside and out.
Does the Calorie Equation Work?
Does the Calorie Equation Work?
Calories consumed and calories burned…but is there more to the equation?
Kindergarten Tricks
Kindergarten Tricks
You’d be amazed how much I take away from the elementary school students and apply to my clients at the gym.
Social Distortion: Kobe and Arnold
Social Distortion: Kobe and Arnold
I need you to ask yourself a question: how bad do you really want to be great?
The Forgotten Benefit of Functional Leg Training
The Forgotten Benefit of Functional Leg Training
Instead of hitting the upper body just twice a week, we get extra stimulation because we’re working the lower body by holding on to the weights, which means extra time under tension and stimulation for the traps, lats, rhomboids, lumbars, and quadratus lumborum.
Optimus H²0
Optimus H²0
“Now that’s what I call high quality H2O.” – Bobby Boucher, The Waterboy
How to be a Superman with Your Knees
How to be a Superman with Your Knees
I was told that I had a twelve- to eighteen-month recovery ahead of me and that I would never have 100 percent use of my leg again.
What to Do Between Sets
What to Do Between Sets
I’m sure you’ve witnessed people at the gym yapping away between sets to the point that their workout turns into a marathon.
War at the Rack
War at the Rack
We know that each and every time we get ready for the gym to train, there is battle on the horizon.
Cheat to Get Ripped
Cheat to Get Ripped
Bodybuilding preparation is based in tradition, not science. This leads to physiological problems when trying to get ripped.
The Other Side of Things
The Other Side of Things
That night, the doctors in the emergency room told me that I was looking at six months, if I was lucky, to be ‘functional’ again.
The Slight Edge
The Slight Edge
The slight edge may not be much at the time, but over time, it compounds and gives you a huge advantage in life and in the gym.
Paralysis by Perfect Form
Paralysis by Perfect Form
I know that Tim had dabbled a bit in powerlifting a few years ago, but neither he nor Shiloe had become ‘paralyzed by perfect form.’
You Make The Decision Right
You Make The Decision Right
One of the underlying characteristics that I notice about successful lifters and bodybuilders that I’m around is that they never let their gym, genetics, schedule or anything for that matter, get in their way.
The Moat and the Spine
The Moat and the Spine
One of the things that I’ve noticed that works every single time is stabilizing the spine and the equivalent force production that comes with it.
Combinatory Training
Combinatory Training
I find that one of the most overlooked factors by strength coaches is the mental engagement of the trainee.
The Essential Anabolics
The Essential Anabolics
When guys hear the word anabolic, their ears normally perk up.
Punched in the Face
Punched in the Face
The biggest observable energy leak that I deal with on a weekly basis is at the wrist joint.
Success Is a Knot
Success Is a Knot
“There aren’t any diamonds without pressure…”
Newton’s Way of Squatting
Newton’s Way of Squatting
If you have been frustrated by recurrent back issues and can no longer perform traditional squats, try one of these methods.
The Tree
The Tree
You can’t get optimal results without the mind/body connection in life.
Right Turns
Right Turns
The one percent difference in the turns that you make are still going to throw off the alignment.
The Empty Water Bottle
The Empty Water Bottle
Whenever we go to recruit a maximum number of motor units, they must be recruited with speed.
The Need to Train Heavy While Dieting
The Need to Train Heavy While Dieting
Build some mental muscle while you conserve your physical muscle and you will be a much better lifter and/or bodybuilder because of it.
Sleep: Why It's Essential
Sleep: Why It's Essential
Sleep needs to be for more than just tissue repair.
Kettlebells Make a Good Braking System
Kettlebells Make a Good Braking System
The main functions of the core are stabilization, rotation/anti-rotation, and anti-extension.
Hitting with a Rubber Hose
Hitting with a Rubber Hose
The two ends of the hose aren’t firmly connected, just as the two adjacent joints in a lift must be firmly locked in. No, I’m not saying they can’t move, but they must be supported. I can’t remember where I heard it most recently or if I heard it anywhere, but the term ‘energy leaks’ has been coming out of my
Wild Thing: Pitching Strength
Wild Thing: Pitching Strength
It’s essential to strengthen the external rotators because the internal rotators will grow exponentially stronger from so much throwing if nothing is done to correct the imbalance.
What Type of C.A.R. Are You Driving?
What Type of C.A.R. Are You Driving?
Strength coaches, our critical off-season is being taken away before our very eyes.
Strength Science
Strength Science
I remember when I first heard the saying five years ago at a clinic—if you read for one hour every single day in your field, you will be one of the world’s leading experts in seven years.
What Do You Do Now That Basketball Season Is Over?
What Do You Do Now That Basketball Season Is Over?
The basketball season is just coming to an end for many high schools, and it won’t be long before many of the players are off to their AAU teams.
The Overlooked Essentials for Your Ultimate Adaptation
The Overlooked Essentials for Your Ultimate Adaptation
If only I had known these essential ingredients for getting stronger, leaner, and more energetic when I was competing in bodybuilding, it would have made things a whole lot easier.
The Art of Hustling and a Few Fat Loss Tips
The Art of Hustling and a Few Fat Loss Tips
It has been my experience that muscle heads who train hard and actually are willing to read about it and study it are usually very success oriented people.
The Jacked Turtle
The Jacked Turtle
We often need to be put into a new and bigger or more competitive environment to continue to grow as a person.
Evolution and Exercise
Evolution and Exercise
Just as we need to eat, drink, and sleep, we need to exercise.
Box Squatting for Bodybuilding, Part II
Box Squatting for Bodybuilding, Part II
It seems that “Box Squatting for Bodybuilding” garnered a lot of interest, so naturally I’m now bringing you part two.
Functional Muscle
Functional Muscle
Bodybuilding is a sport and the only people who should train in a predominantly bodybuilding oriented style are bodybuilders.
Secrets of Training During the Basketball Season
Secrets of Training During the Basketball Season
This article will hopefully serve as a guide to you whether you’re a player, coach or strength coach.
Box Squatting for Bodybuilding
Box Squatting for Bodybuilding
When I was competing in natural bodybuilding shows, one of the biggest weaknesses for competitors was a lack of glute and ham development.
The Red Drop Theory and Talking to Nine Year Olds
The Red Drop Theory and Talking to Nine Year Olds
You may be wondering what the heck the two things above have to do with one another.
Novelty Is the Biggest Aphrodisiac
Novelty Is the Biggest Aphrodisiac
If you look at the title of this article, you may be asking yourself what the heck this has to do with getting bigger, faster, and stronger.
Creating the Explosive Baller
Creating the Explosive Baller
You can perform form running techniques and jumping techniques until the cows come home, but no matter how pretty the form looks, you won’t see many improvements if there isn’t a massive amount of force being applied to the ground.
Dose and Duration
Dose and Duration
There isn’t any reason to have your athletes or clients use the glamorous stuff or more advanced programs until what they’re currently using has stopped working.
The Self-Denying Athlete
The Self-Denying Athlete
Without self-discipline, we are doomed to revert back to our old ways and never truly grow.
The Wolves of Discipline and the Phalanx
The Wolves of Discipline and the Phalanx
The information that follows can be used to reach your athletic goals, fitness goals, or any other area of your life.
Hold on to the Damn Ball!
Hold on to the Damn Ball!
Recently, I received a call from the head basketball coach of a team I’m strength training.
Tuff Enough Hoops Workout
Tuff Enough Hoops Workout
I’ll outline a workout that I’ve employed to build physical strength, endurance, and, most importantly, mental toughness.
The Aerobic Fallacy
The Aerobic Fallacy
I believe that it’s part of my job as a fitness expert to bring the science to you. Much of what is currently out there is based on nothing but tradition and acceptance. You can do what you want with the information I’m going to present, but all I ask is that you at least give it some thought.
A Breakdown of Powerlifting
A Breakdown of Powerlifting
Do you understand the purpose and usefulness of the powerlifting movements?

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