7 Ways to Optimize Health
7 Ways to Optimize Health
If you’re seeking advice on how to successfully navigate a mid-life crisis, I’m probably not the guy. I am, however, uniquely attuned to my body from years of competing at a high level of bodybuilding.
Magnesium and Vitamin D3: Two Neglected Parts of the Power Game
Magnesium and Vitamin D3: Two Neglected Parts of the Power Game
If flashy labeling or fancy bottles are what draw you to a supplement, these are not for you. If a ton of research and statistically measured results are how you determine your supplement regimen, you need Mg and D3.
New Research Shows Even More Benefits of Vitamin D
New Research Shows Even More Benefits of Vitamin D
New research adds to the growing body of evidence that vitamin D plays a key role in human health.
The Research Meathead: Dynamic D
The Research Meathead: Dynamic D
Vitamin D is an extremely important nutrient for health and performance outcomes.

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