4 Things I Learned in Prison
4 Things I Learned in Prison
My bodybuilding mentor invited me to run a training seminar for inmates at the second-largest prison in Washington state. Let’s say I learned a few things while I did my time… teaching inmates, that is.
15 Habits You'll Need as a Full-Time Strength and Conditioning Intern
15 Habits You'll Need as a Full-Time Strength and Conditioning Intern
High school did a terrible job of preparing you for the real world. The only way you will make it is by trial by fire and by implementing the following habits immediately.
Starting Your Career as a Collegiate Strength Coach
Starting Your Career as a Collegiate Strength Coach
Breaking into this profession is difficult and requires determination and sacrifice but if you’re in it for the right reasons, that won’t be a problem.
Fitness Fun at Walk for Wishes
Fitness Fun at Walk for Wishes
Make-A-Wish earns funds for local chapter.

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