The One American Universal Tie to the Soviets
The One American Universal Tie to the Soviets
He began publishing the Soviet Sports Review during this time and subsequently made numerous visits to the USSR.
Correcting and/or Preventing Muscular Imbalances
Correcting and/or Preventing Muscular Imbalances
Many articles extol the need for balancing the muscles. Much of this is warranted. The problem lies in how to do this and when it should be done. In some cases, it’s necessary to look at what actually constitutes an imbalance.
Are Plank Exercises for You?
Are Plank Exercises for You?
One of the latest rages in the fitness industry is the plank exercise. In essence, plank refers to maintaining your body in a straight line from head to toe, as for example, in the up position of a push-up.
Why Does the Butt Kick Reign Supreme?
Why Does the Butt Kick Reign Supreme?
If you watch runners before a race or if you watch baseball, football, or other athletes warming up before a game, you will see that most of them do the butt kick (quadriceps) stretch.
Are You Setting Yourself Up for Injury?
Are You Setting Yourself Up for Injury?
Lifting weights is easy, but preventing injuries when lifting weights is not always as simple. Because of this, it is not uncommon to find many injuries in weight training. To help prevent injuries and make your workouts more productive, here are seven key factors that you should take into account when weight training.
Is Technique Important for Better Playing?
Is Technique Important for Better Playing?
Coaches believe that technique should not be touched. They firmly believe that technique is an individual thing that is innate to each individual. However, these ideas could not be further from the truth. One of the most effective ways to improve sports performance is to improve technique.
Does the Football Combine Predict Playing Ability?
Does the Football Combine Predict Playing Ability?
Football coaches know that selecting a player based on combine results is a crap shoot at best. In this article, Dr. Yessis evaluates the tests used to offer a possible explanation of why the combine results are such poor predictors of game play success.
General Versus Special Exercises
General Versus Special Exercises
One of the main distinguishing features of the Soviet system of training athletes is their distinction between general and specialized exercises.
The Stretch Reflex
The Stretch Reflex
Many people refer to the stretch reflex as the key to explosive training. How it is applied, however, is frequently misunderstood. This article takes an in-depth look at this action and how you can better utilize it in any or all aspects of your training.
Review of Explosive Running by Anatoly Bondarchuk
Review of Explosive Running by Anatoly Bondarchuk
Short, middle, and long-distance runners all need explosiveness.
Filling in the Holes, Part I
Filling in the Holes, Part I
Trends, fads, gimmicks…hell, they’re all part of the strength and conditioning industry.

12 Item(s)