I'm currently preparing for the 2016 USS Strongman Nationals which will be held on June 11th, 2016. My training focus is to continue to get stronger and prepare and peak for the events at Nationals. I'm working with teammate Mike Mastell on my nutrition and programming.
This day I didn't feel the best going in, but I put some quality work in and felt better when I left. Sometimes those are the best training days. Even on most crappy days you can suck it up and put in the work. I mean it's not that hard, just do the damn work. The log felt like crap, but I'm pleased with my reps. My shoulder is doing much better, but I'm having to be religious about my soft tissue work on my lats, pec minor, rotator cuff and lats. Otherwise that all gets tight and knotted up which changes my ROM and isn't painful, but feels "off". The shoulder continues to improve, but it doesn't seem to love the log clean & press. So right now that's what's getting things tight. However, I have zero pain when I'm pressing nor after.
A. Log Clean & Press
B. Axle Floor Press
C. Incline DBs
4 sets of 10 w/90# DBs
D. Tate Presses
35s x 12
40s x 12
45s x 12
45s x 12
E. Hammer Rope Curls
Setting 8 x 10
Setting 9 x 10
Setting 10 x 10
Setting 10 x 10