looking for more volume and it's finding me just fine. I'm not killing my self but I'm getting in work

Bench. Thumbs out close grip and paused.

Worked up to 405 for 3 sets of 3

Long pauses and no leg drive. Not my strong point lol.  Try

strict overhead press  close grip inch from smooth

bar for

8 95 for 8

135 for 8

185 for 8

225 for 3

275 for 2

Incline elitefts shoulder pad bench with close grip. Pointers on smooth

225 for 3 sets of 12.   Constant tension and elbows in hard.

band crossovers 3 sets of 20

db from raise 25,35,45s for 8 each



i didn't do any tricep exts tonight to let my elbow heal up. It's feeling better. I wanted to bench heavier but Im sticking to the plan.