90/90- relaxed low back, tension on hamstrings, full breaths
Right side lying left adductor squeezes
Left side lying left oblique activation right glute

145x5x3 sets
Add light bands (70# at the top)
Add V type squatter, straps down
Add Maverick knee wraps
555x3 (625#)
585x3 (655#)

The plan was 595x3x4-6sets with no band tension. My training partners are in the concentric phase of Triphasic, so I thought it would more convenient to not fuck with the bands the whole training session and it would be a good change of pace for me during this volume phase.  Squats actually felt great and looked solid too. Before I hurt myself I was squatting 655x3x3-5sets raw with wraps, but maybe not quite this clean and crisp. So I consider this a win as far as the training session goes and the overall rehab process.

Now we squatted Wednesday because Joe had some prior commitments. John smelled like booze the night before from the Hatebreed concert, just an FYI. And I told Jabez Burford, a friend and client, that I would help him with his bench if he could make it in Thursday. Also Tarra of EliteFTS, now training with us, wanted to squat Thursday.

So I figured I'd hit all my assistance work the next day and that would be a good active recovery day. Well it all felt like shit and all I got through were the Hatfields. So now I'll plan on some KB swings and steps ups as a warm up for Friday's training.

Thursday assistance

Hatfield squats
135x10x3 sets
