5 weeks out from the UPA Old School Iron Gym. Plan to just hit easy numbers in prep for USPA worlds in a few months.
Sumo deadlift 135x5, 185x5, 225x4, 255x2,
Belt 295x2, 325x3-4x3sets
GHR 4X10,
Pull throughs 3x12,
Upper back 8sets 10-12 reps
Bench barx10, 95x8, 120x5, 135x3, 155x3-4x4sets,
Floor presses closer grip Pause 135x4x4sets,
Overhead barbell shoulder presses 5x6,
Front raises plate or dbs 4x10-12,
Db tricep exts 8x8 15sec rest,
rope push downs 3x12-15,
Band pull parts 3x25,
Shoulder Stacks 3x15