18 days out and feeling pretty good. I had been a bit worried about making weight, but that's all squared away. Now I can focus just on lifting and peaking for the meet-- without having to let making weight stress me out. Next time around I definitely won't let myself get so far away from my competition weight-- it just added a whole lot more stress to an already stressful training cycle.


Exercise: Squat w/belt Exercise: Competition Bench Exercise: Military Press
Set # Load Reps RPE Set # Load Reps RPE Set # Load Reps RPE
1 275 3 7 1 155 3 6.5 1 75 6 7
2 295 3 8 2 175 3 7.5 2 95 6 8
3 295 3 8 3 180 3 8.5 3 95 6 8.5
4 295 3 8 4 180 3 8.5 4 95 6 9.5
5 295 3 8 5 180 3 9 5 85 6 7.5
6 295 3 8 6 85 6 8


Exercise: Deadlift w/belt Exercise: 2ct pause Bench Exercise: 2ct Pause Squat
Set # Load Reps RPE Set # Load Reps RPE Set # Load Reps RPE
1 345 3 7.5 1 135 4 6 1 225 6 7
2 355 3 7.5 2 155 4 7 2 245 6 8
3 365 3 8 3 175 4 8.5 3 245 6 8
4 365 3 8 4 165 4 7.5 4 245 6 8.5
5 365 3 8 5 165 4 8 5 245 6 8.5
6 365 3 8.5 6 6 245 6 8.5
7 365 3 8.5


Deadlift w/belt (365x3)


2ct Pause Squat (245x6)
