If you have read my bio, you know I am preparing for the 21 Deadlift Salute at the Arnold Classic. I'll be 1 of 7 competing in the lightweight division, 220lbs and under (7 lightweight, 7 heavyweight, 7 women, 21 total lifters). My best raw pull is 750 at last years XPC Finals at The Arnold. Since then, my best pull is 720 and I've missed 740 and 755, both right at the knee.
I've been trying to hit a lot of speed pulls vs bands and working on getting as much speed as possible off the floor to blow past that sticking point. Here's what tonight looked like:
Warmup: lacrosse ball rolling on glutes/piriformis
All sets are with elitefts average bands
- 95x1 (25 bumper plate was already on the bar)
- 185x1
- 275x1
- 325x1
Working sets:
- 415 5x1
- 435 x1
- 485 x1
Straight Leg Deadlift 3x5 @ 275 lbs
Standing Abs 5x10
My plan is to keep adding weight to my working sets over the next few weeks while trying to maintain the same bar speed, using this as my dynamic effort lower day. In addition to this, I've been rotating my max effort lower day with some close stance low box squats, box squats with heavy band tension, and the occasional rack pull. I haven't hit a heavy single deadlift off the floor (straight weight) since October, where I missed 740. I have a metal jack deadlift suit on the way, so when that gets here I plan on seeing what I can do with it.