3 Weeks from UPA Winter Rack Attack

I let myself get a little behind on training logs the past 2 weeks so I'm gonna do some recapping, and some catching up. It's been a busy but awesome few weeks, as training has been going pretty well, I presented at an Army ROTC seminar for John Carroll (video posting soon), and am speaking at Todd Hamer's RMU Speed and Strength Seminar in Pittsburgh this upcoming weekend (more info below). Lot's of great opportunities for growth, just gotta make sure I'm managing all my time appropriately. 

We ALSO just officially announced the date for the next EliteFTS Sports Performance Summit, which is Saturday, February 25th in Columbus, OH. The line up is awesome, and we'll have more details posted soon.

Rather than catch up on the past few weeks of training, here is a snapshot of what my last 3 weeks look like in terms of my main movements:

3 Weeks Out:

  • Deadlift: Sets of 5, then 5+, followed by easy single around opening weight.
  • Bench Press: Sets of 5, then 5+, followed by 2-3 singles around opening weight and possibly a little heavier.
  • Squat: Sets of 5, then 5+, followed by easy single around opening weight in knee wraps.
  • OHP: Sets of 5, then 5+, followed by down sets.

2 Weeks Out:

  • Deadlift: Sets of 5, 3, and then 1+ / No work up sets.
  • Bench Press: Sets of 5, 3, and then 1+ / Possibly 1 additional single.
  • Squat: Sets of 5, 3, and then 1+ / 1-2 additional singles in knee wraps.
  • OHP: Sets of 5, 3, and then 1+ - No work up sets.

1 Week Out:

  • Light movement and walking my dog.

RMU Seminar


Competitively - My last competition was the UPA Summer Showdown August 6th - And my next meet is the UPA Winter Rack Attack on December 17th (competing raw at 220lbs). This will be my second meet back transitioning to competing raw, and my goal entering next year is to qualify for a larger raw competition (whether it be at the Arnold or elsewhere).

I'm currently the Fitness Director at Ohio University as well as Event Coordinator for EliteFTS. I'm also involved in coaching and public speaking on topics relating to powerlifting, coaching, education, student development, and mental health.

For Coaching & Programming Questions, feel free to contact me at joeschillero@gmail.com


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